Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I sent sms to my constituency mp......


 लगायत में मेरा एस-एम्-एस का विवर और ईमेल भेजा गया है उसका चित्र है . .

Test Mail!

Shri Kalmadiji,
My name is Shailesh Gaikwad voter Id. HMW3763695,this an test mail!
My further mails will be to help solve problems of India & necessary orders to reduce problems!
Please confirm you received my mail.
Thank You & Best Regards!
Shailesh Gaikwad(Common Citizen)

Friday, 25 January 2013

Fwd: Mail order to MP to get TCP printed in gazette

From: sanket gahlot <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=20cf307abeb939972f04d41a68d3

माननीय श्रीमान जी ,

हम जनता किसी बात को एक होकर आप तक नहीं पहुंचा पाते हैं ,,हमारे पास ऐसा कोई
रास्ता नहीं है की हम देश मुक्खय समस्याओं पर अपनी आम राय दे सकें l इसीलिए
आपको एक कानूनी मसौदा जनता की आवाज दिया जा रहा है l कृपया इसको भारतीय राज
पत्र में छापने की कृपा करें l

सम्पूर्ण `जनता की आवाज़`पारदर्शी शिकायत/प्रस्ताव प्रणाली (सिस्टम) ड्राफ्ट



1. [कलेक्टर (और उसके क्लर्क)]

कोई भी नागरिक मतदाता यदि खुद हाजिर होकर यदि अपनी सूचना अधिकार का आवेदन
अर्जी या भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ फरियाद या कोई भी हलफ़नामा / एफिडेविट कलेक्टर
को देता है तो कोई भी दलील दिये बिना कलेक्टर ( या उसका क्लर्क ) उस एफिडेविट
को प्रति पेज 20 रूपये का लेकर सीरियल नंबर दे कर, एफिडेविट को स्कैन करके
पधानमंत्री के वेबसाइट पर रखेगा।

2. [पटवारी (तलाटी, लेखपाल) और उसका क्लर्क]

कोई भी नागरिक मतदाता यदि धारा-1


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Suggesion on Judicial reforms for speedy and just trails of sexual abuse cases and to allow Citizens` SMS order system from on websites of Courts

Justice J.S. Verma,
E-mail - justice.verma@n fax: 011-23092675

Sub: Orders to Chief Judge of India from a common citizen of India

Respected Sir
1. Under the Preamble of Constitution, a citizen of India is sovereign and empowered to send orders to President, Prime Minister and Supreme Court judge of India or any employee of the sovereign on any matter in which the citizen thinks that prompt due action needed to protect the fundamental rights are not being taken. So under Preamble of Constitution, I am doing my duty as a citizen.
and sending you following orders

2. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi to move the case of recent rape-case, which happened in a bus in New Delhi on 19-dec-2012, to the fast court courts.

3. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, to take narco-test of the convicts and post full recording on YouTube after removing names of the victims.

4. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, that that fast track court should have only one case so that that case is disposed speedily

5. Please also post the cell phone number provided by Government to you on the website of Supreme Court of India so that henceforth we the people of India can send necessary orders to you via SMS. The cell phone provided via Government, and whose bill is paid by Government is public property and so under RTI, this phone number should be disclosed to public. Also, please put the SMS orders received from the citizens on website of Supreme Court of India.

6. Proposed Transparent Complaint / Evidence filing in Courts-
=============== =============== ========
(Info: eg: this could be filled by any rape victim, from any district, the complaint / evidences cannot suppressed, and within a day visible to any citizen )
A. Orders for the District Collector
=============== ===========
The High Court hereby orders the District Collector that : A woman voter or any citizen-voter can submit a complaint or any affidavit in District Collector Office with an affidavit for a fee of Rs 20 per page and ask the District Collector or his clerk to scan and put the complete affidavit on the website of the High Court.
B Orders to the Talati aka Patwari aka Village officer
=============== =============== ========
B1 The High Court orders every Talati (Patwari / village officer) that : if a woman voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies Yes-No on an PIL posted on the website of High Court, then the Talati or his clerk will enter his Yes-No on the website of High Court with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee. The Clerk will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee. The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder.
B2 The High Court will order Talati to also allow citizen-voter to cancel his YES/NO without any charge, ANYDAY.
B3 The High court may order the collector create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the citizen-voter and putting it on the receipt.
B4 High Court may order the collector to enable citizen-voters to register YES/NO via SMS for 5 paise
C (Information To all Citizens)
=============== ========
This is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on the High court judges etc.
7. Please suggest to the PM to print some Gazette Notifications -
7.1 Jury trial – For quick, fair judgements.
=============== ===========
The trial of rape must be decided by Jury of 25 randomly chosen citizens, between 30 years and 55 years, of the district in which crime was committed. The Jury will be formed by an officer titled as District Jury Administrator who will be appointed by High Court Chief judge and can be recalled\replac ed by citizen-voters of that district.
(Procedure-draf t in chapter 21,
7.2 Narco Test in Public
To prove or disprove whether rape was committed, narco tests on rape accused should be conducted in public after Jury has seen reasonable incriminating evidences.
1. All rape cases will be tried by Jury and Jury only. The Jury will consists of 25 citizens between 30 years and 55 years of age chosen at random from the district, and at least 13 will be women.
2. If the accused himself wants or if 13 out of 25 Jurors deem necessary to have truth serum test on the accused, then the investigating officer will conduct truth serum test on the accused.
3. If complainer wants, then and then only, then the investigating officers will conduct truth serum test on the complainer. The complainer will not be asked to take truth serum test against her will unless 13 out of 25 jurors demand narco test.
Procedure-Draft - https:// / note.php?note_id =40183839316850 1
7.3 Right to Recall Deputy-Commissi oner for crimes against women :
=============== =============== ============
Every district must have a Deputy Police Commissioner (or DySP) in-charge of crimes against women and women in the district should have right to recall that DyCP or DySP . Only an anti-woman activist will oppose this proposal. (Procedure-draft in chapter 22,
7.4 . Right to Recall Lower Court, High Court and Supreme Court judges in-charge of crimes against women :
=============== =============== ==============
Every district must have 3 judges in-charge of crimes against women, and women of district should have right to recall them. Same at High Court and Supreme Court levels. (Procedure-draft in chapter 7,

Thanking you,
Yours Truly,
Shikha Arya

Fwd: Janlokpal ki kamiyan aur kuch sujhaav

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: 2013/1/23
Subject: Janlokpal ki kamiyan aur kuch sujhaav
To: Umesh Jaiswal <>

कृपया ये लिंक डाउनलोड करें और दूसरों को बताएं ताकि हमारी देश को भ्रष्ट लोकपाल , प्रधानमंत्री, जज, अधिकारी  नुकसान नहीं पहुंचा सके और देश को बेच नहीं सके और अपने वाल के नोट, ब्लॉग आदि पर भी डालें ताकि ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोग देख सकें और पढ़ सकें -

राईट टू रिकाल-लोकपाल-


डाउनलोड लिंक -  


ऑनलाइन लिंक -

संक्षिप्त में राईट टू रिकाल के ड्राफ्ट-


डाउनलोड लिंक - 

ऑनलाइन लिंक -

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न-

डाउनलोड लिंक - 

ऑनलाइन लिंक -

प्रश्नोत्तरी पर विडियो हिंदी में - 

विस्तार में `राईट टू रिकाल समूह` के प्रस्तावित ड्राफ्ट-


काला धन भारत वापस लाने के लिए क़ानून-ड्राफ्ट -

डाउनलोड लिंक -



ऑनलाइन लिंक - 

ये कानून-ड्राफ्ट नेताओं/बुद्धिजीवियों को भी लिख कर या ट्विट्टर पर बताएं और पर उनके जवाब या ख़ामोशी की कापी फॉरवर्ड करें |   


Arvind Kejriwal ji aur varisht aam aadmi party sadasyon se kuch prashn

उमेश जैसवाल जी,

कृपया यह प्रश्न केजरीवाल जी या किसी आम आदमी पार्टी के वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता से जरूर पूछे और उन्हें 15 दिनों में इनके उत्तर देने का आग्रह करें |

पत्र की एक कोपी को भी फॉरवर्ड करें और बताएं कि आपको क्या जवाब या ख़ामोशी मिलती है |

1. आम आदमी पार्टी ने अंग्रेजी संस्करण के स्वराज्य पुस्तिका में कुछ प्रस्ताव दिए हैं, जिसमें लोकपाल पर राईट टू रिकॉल भी शामिल है | अब सरकार के पास तो लाखों कर्मचारी है और कर्मचारियों को प्रस्तावों को लागू करने के लिए विस्तृत निर्देशों की जरुरत पड़ती है | सन 1977 में जनता पार्टी ने अपने घोषणा पत्र में राईट तो रिकॉल लाने का वायदा किया था और इसी कारण, वो इस मुद्दे परजीती भी थी | परन्तु सत्ता में आने पर राईट टू रिकाल को कभी लागू नहीं किया गया क्योंकि इसका प्रारूप अथवा ड्राफ्ट ही तैयार नहीं किया गया था |

इसलिए कृपया आप समय-सीमा बताएं कि कब आप के द्वारा दिए गए प्रस्तावों के ड्राफ्ट तैयार होंगे और आम आदमी पार्टी की वेबसाइट और घोषणापत्र में शामिल किया जायेगा |

2. आम आदमी पार्टी का ये कहना है के वो सारे कानून किसी कमिटी से बनवाएगी | वे कहते हैं कि ये कमिटी अन्य सरकारी कमिटियों से भिन्न होगी क्योंकि ये किसी भी मुद्दे पर जनता की राय लेगी जन-मत संग्रह द्वारा | कृपया इस जनमत संग्रह की विधि स्पष्ट रूप से बतायें | बिना विधि के आम आदमी जनमत संग्रह में भाग नहीं ले सकता |

3. एक निर्णय में उच्च न्यायलय ने कहा था कि चुनाव आयोग के पास यह अधिकार है के वो निष्पक्ष और स्वतंत्र चुनाव को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए नोटिस (अधिसूचना) भी जारी कर सकती है | मतदाता ये नहीं जान पाते कि चुनाव लड़ने के पीछे उम्मेदवार की क्या मंशा है | इस समस्या के समाधान के लिए चुनाव आयोग एक नोटिस जारी कर सकता है कि चुनाव आयोग यदि कोई उममीदवार स्वेच्छा से, अपनी पब्लिक में नारको-जांच की मांग करता है, तो चुनाव आयोग उसका पब्लिक में नार्को-जांच करवाएगा | कृपया आम आदमी पार्टी अपनी वेबसाइट पर और मीडिया द्वारा चुनाव आयोग से ऐसी अधिसूचना जारी करने की मांग करे | क्योंकि नार्को जांच उम्मेदवार की स्वेच्छा से किया जायेगा, वह ना तो किसी न्यायलय के फैसले के विरुद्ध होगा और ना ही असवैधानिक है |

चुनाव आयोग द्वारा उमीदवार का स्वेच्छा से, पब्लिक में नार्को-जांच के लिए एक प्रक्रिया का सुझाव निम्नलिखित है -

उम्मेदवार की स्वेच्छा से, चुनाव आयोग द्वारा सार्वजनिक नार्को टेस्ट

ये सरकारी आदेश मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त द्वारा हस्ताक्षर किये जाने हैं

1) नागरिक का यहाँ अर्थ है नागरिक-मतदाता जो भारत में पंजीकृत है इस अधिनियम में बताये गए कार्यों के लिए | उम्मीदवारों पर नार्को करने के लिए मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त या उसका कोई अफसर करवाएगा | मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त पर राईट टू रिकाल होगा, मतलब उनको नागरिक, किसी भी दिन बदल सकते हैं  | (प्रक्रिया के लिए नीचे देखें )

2) मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त को निर्देश -

ये क़ानून किसी भी चुनावी उम्मीदवार  पर लागू होगा, जो अपने ऊपर स्वेच्छा से पब्लिक में नार्को-जांच करवाना चाहता है |

3)  मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त को निर्देश -

यदि कोई भी चुन्नावी उम्मीदवार अपने आप पर पब्लिक में नार्को जांच की मांग करता है, तो  मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त उस नागरिक के निवास के "राज्य" में लौटरी या क्रम-रहित तरीके से चुने गए न्यायिक प्रयोगशाला (फोरेंसिक लैब) को आदेश देगा कि वो उसपर नार्को जांच करे |

4)  मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त को निर्देश

 मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त 35 से 55 साल के आयु के 24 नागरिकों को क्रम-रहित तरीके से चुनेगा और बुलाएगा और उन्हें 12-12 के दो समूहों `` और `` में बांटेगा और एक श्रेणी-2 के अफसर को नियुक्त करेगा नार्को जांच को सुपरवाइज / संचालन करने के लिए |

5)  नार्को-जाँच का प्रभारी को निर्देश -

नार्को जांच की दवाई का इंजेक्शन लग जाने के बाद, समूह-`` में से एक व्यक्ति एक प्रश्न पूछेगा और यदि समूह-`` में कम से कम व्यक्ति उस प्रश्न को अनुमति दे देते हैं , तो फिर अफसर वो प्रश्न पूछेगा | समूह-`` में हरेक व्यक्ति को ठीक 5  मिनट मिलेंगे |  

6)  नार्को-जाँच का प्रभारी को निर्देश -

मीडिया वालों को लाइव प्रसारण करने के लिए निमंत्रण किया जायेगा यदि वे लाइव प्रसारण करना चाहें | नार्को जांच को रिकोर्ड किया जायेगा और उसे भारतीय सरकार की वेबसाइट पर डाला जायेगा , लाइव और रिकोर्ड किया हुआ |

7) --------

इस नार्को जांच के परिणाम कोई भी जूरी-सदस्य द्वारा सबूत नहीं माने जायेंगे

8)  जिला कलक्टर को निर्देश

यदि कोई भी नागरिक इस कानून में बदलाव करना चाहे, तो वे अपना एफिडेविट जिला कलेक्टर के दफ्तर पर जमा करेगा और जिला कलेक्टर या उसके क्लर्क उस एफिडेविट को 20 रुपये प्रति पन्ना का शुल्क / फी लेकर चुनाव आयोग के वेबसाइट पर रखेगा |

9)  तलाटी या पटवारी या लेखपाल को निर्देश-

यदि कोई भी नागरिक इस कानून या इसके किसी धारा पर विरोध दर्ज करवाना चाहे या किसी ऊपर दिए हुए धारा के द्वारा गए किसी जमा किये हुए एफिडेविट पर अपना हाँ/ना दर्ज करवाना चाहे तो वह तलाटी के दफ्तर जाकर, अपने मतदान पत्र लेकर , तलाटी को 3 रुपये की फीस देनी पड़ेगी | पटवारी या उसका क्लर्क हाँ/ना को चुनाव आयोग के वेबसाइट पर दर्ज करेगा और उसे रसीद देगा |


राईट टू रिकॉल मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त

1. (1.1) नागरिक शब्द का अर्थ पंजीकृत मतदाता होगा |

(1.2) शब्द "कर सकता है " का मतलब कोई भी नैतिक-कानूनी बंधन नहीं है | इस का मतलब " कर सकता है " या "करने की आवश्यकता / जरूरत नहीं है " है |

2. [जिला कलेक्टर (DC) के लिए निर्देश] : यदि कोई योग्य भारतीय नागरिक मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त बनना चाहे और वह स्वयं या फिर किसी वकील के 

द्वारा डिस्ट्रिक्ट कलेक्टर के पास एफिडेविट सहित आये, तो कलेक्टर उससे शुल्क जो सांसद के चुनाव की जमा धनराशी जितनी ही होगी लेगा और उसकी 

उम्मेदवारी को स्वीकार करेगा | और उम्मेदवार का नाम चुनाव आयोग की वेबसाइट पर भी दर्ज करेगा |

3. [ग्रामीण अफसर / तलाटी / पटवारी (या उनके क्लर्क) को निर्देश]

यदि उस जिले का कोई भी नागरिक किसी ग्रामीण अफसर / तलाटी / पटवारी (कलेक्टर द्वारा नियुक्त सबसे निम्न स्तर का अफसर) को 3 रुपये देकर, अधिक से अधिक 5 लोगो को मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त के पद के लिए स्वीकृति देता है, तो तलाटी उसकी स्वीकृति अपने कम्प्यूटर में दर्ज करेगा और उसे रसीद देगी जिसमें तिथि, समय, मतदान पत्र संख्या और उसके द्वारा स्वीकृत 5 उम्मीदवारों की जानकारी होगी |

(3.2) कलेक्टर एक ऐसा सिस्टम बना सकता है, जिसमें मेसेज द्वारा मतदाताओं को फीडबैक (पुष्टि) दिया जा सके |

(3.3) कलेक्टर एक ऐसा सिस्टम बना सकता है जिसमें वो मतदातओं का ऊँगली छाप और फोटो खिचवा कर उसे रसीद में शामिल कर सके |

(3.4) प्रधानमंत्री ऐसा सिस्टम बना सकते हैं, जिसमें मतदाता अपने ए.टी.एम कार्ड के माध्यम से अपनी स्वीकृति दर्ज करवा सकते हैं |

(3.5) प्रधानमंत्री ऐसा सिस्टम बना सकते हैं, जिसमें मतदाता मेसेज (एस.एम.एस) के माध्यम से अपनी स्वीकृति दर्ज करवा सकते हैं |

4. [ग्रामीण अफसर / तलाटी / पटवारी (या उनके क्लर्क) को निर्देश] : तलाटी मतदातओं के पसंद को चुनाव आयोग की वेबसाइट पर, मतदाता के मतदान पत्र संख्या के साथ दर्ज करेगा |

5. [ग्रामीण अफसर/ तलाटी / पटवारी (या उनके क्लर्क) को निर्देश] : यदि कोई नागरिक अपनी स्वीकृति रद्द करना चाहे, तो तलाटी उसकी एक या उससे ज्यादा स्वीकृति को निशुल्क रद्द करेगा |

6. [मंत्रिमडल सचिव को निर्देश] : हर महीने की 5 तारीख को मंत्रिमंडल सचिव, प्रत्येक उम्मेदवार को प्राप्त स्वीकृति की संख्या जो उम्मेदवार को पिछले महीने की आखरी तारिक तक प्राप्त हुए है, उन्हें चुनाव आयोग की वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित कर सकता है |

7. [मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त को निर्देश] : यदि किसी उम्मेदवार को सारे मतदाताओं (जिले के सारे मतदाता, मात्र स्वीकृति दर्ज करने वाले मतदाता नहीं) में से 51% या उससे ज्यादा मतदाता अपनी स्वीकृति देते हैं, तो मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त अपना पद त्याग कर उस स्वीकृत उम्मेदवार को नियुक्त करने के लिए सांसद से कह सकता है |

8. [सांसदों को निर्देश] : मौजूदा मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त को निष्कासित करके सांसद धारा 7 में बताये गए व्यक्ति का चयन कर सकते हैं |

9. [जिला कलेक्टर को निर्देश] : यदि कोई नागरिक इस कानून के ड्राफ्ट में बदलाव चाहता है तो वह एक एफिडेविट (शपथ पत्र) जिला कलेक्टर के दफ्तर जाकर दर्ज कर सकता है और जिला कलेक्टर या उसका क्लर्क मात्र 20/- प्रति पेज के हिसाब से शुल्क लेकर प्रधानमंत्री की वेबसाइट पर उस शपथ पत्र को स्कैन करके रखेगा |

10. [ग्रामीण अफसर/तलाटी को निर्देश] : यदि कोई नागरिक इस कानून या इसकी किसी धारा के खिलाफ अपना विरोध दर्ज करना चाहता है या ऊपर वर्णित एफिडेविट के लिए अपना हा/ना दर्ज करवाना चाहता है तो तलाटी उससे 3/- शुल्क लेकर उसके हा/ना को प्रधानमंत्री की वेबसाइट पर डालेगा और उसे 3/- की रसीद भी देगा | 


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Fwd: Letter to Justice Verma and CJI on Judicial reforms for speedy and just trails of sexual abuse cases and to allow Citizens` SMS order system from on websites of Courts

Dear Madam,

Have seen your talk about women harassment on youtube. In that regards, Justice Verma had asked some suggestions for speedy and just trials of sexual abuses.

We are a group of volunteers working for empowerment of women and all citizens. Forwarding you the suggestions we and many other activists had sent to Justice verma.

Please do go through the same and give your comments.

Thanking you,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 6:21 PM
Subject: Letter to Justice Verma and CJI on Judicial reforms for speedy and just trails of sexual abuse cases and to allow Citizens` SMS order system from on websites of Courts

Chief Judge of India,
E-mail - fax: 011-23092675

Sub: Orders to Chief Judge of India from a common citizen of India

1. Under the Preamble of Constitution, a citizen of India is sovereign
and empowered to send orders to President, Prime Minister and Supreme
Court judge of India or any employee of the sovereign on any matter in
which the citizen thinks that prompt due action needed to protect the
fundamental rights are not being taken. So under Preamble of
Constitution, I am doing my duty as a citizen.
and sending you following orders
2. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi to move the
case of recent rape-case, which happened in a bus in New Delhi on
19-dec-2012, to the fast court courts.
3. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, to take
narco-test of the convicts and post full recording on YouTube after
removing names of the victims.
4. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, that that fast
track court should have only one case so that that case is disposed
5. Please also post the cell phone number provided by Government to
you on the website of Supreme Court of India so that henceforth we the
people of India can send necessary orders to you via SMS. The cell
phone provided via Government, and whose bill is paid by Government is
public property and so under RTI, this phone number should be
disclosed to public. Also, please put the SMS orders received from the
citizens on website of Supreme Court of India.

6. Proposed Transparent Complaint / Evidence filing in Courts-
(Info: eg: this could be filled by any rape victim, from any district,
the complaint / evidences cannot suppressed, and within a day visible
to any citizen )

A. Orders for the District Collector
The High Court hereby orders the District Collector that : A woman
voter or any citizen-voter can submit a complaint or any affidavit in
District Collector Office with an affidavit for a fee of Rs 20 per
page and ask the District Collector or his clerk to scan and put the
complete affidavit on the website of the High Court.

B Orders to the Talati aka Patwari aka Village officer
B1 The High Court orders every Talati (Patwari / village officer) that
: if a woman voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and
specifies Yes-No on an PIL posted on the website of High Court, then
the Talati or his clerk will enter his Yes-No on the website of High
Court with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee. The
Clerk will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee. The
fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder.
B2 The High Court will order Talati to also allow citizen-voter to
cancel his YES/NO without any charge, ANYDAY.
B3 The High court may order the collector create a system of taking
finger-print and picture of the citizen-voter and putting it on the
B4 High Court may order the collector to enable citizen-voters to
register YES/NO via SMS for 5 paise

C (Information To all Citizens)
This is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a
binding on the High court judges etc.

7. Please suggest to the PM to print some Gazette Notifications -

7.1 Jury trial – For quick, fair judgements. The trial of rape must be
decided by Jury of 25 randomly chosen citizens, between 30 years and
55 years, of the district in which crime was committed. The Jury will
be formed by an officer titled as District Jury Administrator who will
be appointed by High Court Chief judge and can be recalled\replaced by
citizen-voters of that district.
(Procedure-draft in chapter 21,

7.2 Narco Test in Public– To prove or disprove whether rape was
committed, narco tests on rape accused should be conducted in public
after Jury has seen reasonable incriminating evidences.
1. All rape cases will be tried by Jury and Jury only. The Jury will
consists of 25 citizens between 30 years and 55 years of age chosen at
random from the district, and at least 13 will be women.
2. If the accused himself wants or if 13 out of 25 Jurors deem
necessary to have truth serum test on the accused, then the
investigating officer will conduct truth serum test on the accused.
3. If complainer wants, then and then only, then the investigating
officers will conduct truth serum test on the complainer. The
complainer will not be asked to take truth serum test against her will
unless 13 out of 25 jurors demand narco test.

Procedure-Draft -

7.3 Right to Recall Deputy-Commissioner for crimes against women :
Every district must have a Deputy Police Commissioner (or DySP)
in-charge of crimes against women and women in the district should
have right to recall that DyCP or DySP . Only an anti-woman activist
will oppose this proposal. (Procedure-draft in chapter

7.4 . Right to Recall Lower Court, High Court and Supreme Court judges
in-charge of crimes against women : Every district must have 3 judges
in-charge of crimes against women, and women of district should have
right to recall them. Same at High Court and Supreme Court levels.
(Procedure-draft in chapter 7,

Thanking you,
Yours Truly,
Kashyap Arora
Indian Citizen
Gurgaon, Haryana INDIA

Note to All Common-Citizens -

1. To know what is Narco test and a proposed draft to be passed by PM
in gazette, please see this link -

2. For FAQs on Transparent Complaint/Evidence Filing, please

Sunday, 13 January 2013


Sir, I have few questions about your party and its activities and would like a reply as soon as possible!!!

1) Aam Aadmi Party says that it will draft all laws via committees. But they say this committee will be different from the government committees that they will take referendum from the people. Please tell the procedure of the referendum. Without the procedure, the aam-aadmi cannot participate in the referendum.

2) Aam Aadmi Party has given some proposals in Swaraj book including Right to recall over lokpal. Now, government has lakhs of employees and employees need detailed instructions or drafts for implementing the proposals. In 1977, Janta Party had promised Right to recall in its manifesto and also won on that issue. But on gaining power, it never implemented that since there were no drafts.

So, please give a time schedule for making drafts for these proposals and putting it on Aam Aadmi Party website, manifesto etc. 

3) In a ruling, SC said that Election Commission has powers to ensure fair and free elections and it can make notifications for this purpose. The voters cannot know what are the real intentions of the candidate to to fight elections. To solve this problem, EC can pass a notification that any candidate if asks voluntarily for their narco test in public, it will be conducted by EC. Please demand on wesite of AAP, in media etc from EC to issue this notification. Since the narco test will be asked voluntarily, it does not go against any court judgement or against the constitution.

This is one suggested procedure for the same -

Voluntary Narco Test in public by Election Commission

GO to be signed by Chief Election Commissioner 

1) Citizen here will mean citizen-voter registered in India. above the age of 25 years and below 65 years. Chief Election Commissioner or person deputed by him will carry these tasks for purpose of conducting narco (using sodium pentothal, under medical supervision) on candidates. The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) can be recalled/replaced by the citizens. (See Procedure below)

2) Instruction to Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)-
The act applies on any election candidate who voluntarily requests to get narco in public done on him/her.

3) Instruction to CEC - 
If any election candidate demands a truth serum test on himself, the CEC will order a forensic laboratory at a randomly chosen location in the State where he resides where a truth serum test on him will be conducted. 

4) Instruction to CEC-
The CEC will summon 24 citizens between age 35 and 55 years at random, and will divide them into two groups of 12 each, and allocate an officer of class-II or above to conduct the truth serum test.

5) Instruction to Officer-in charge of the test-
After truth serum is injected, a person in Group-A will put a question, and if over 7 persons in Group-B approve of that question, then the officer will ask that question. Each person in Group-A will get exactly 5 minutes.

6) Instruction to Officer-in charge of the test-
The mediamen will be invited for live telecast if the want. The serum test will be recorded and will be also put on GoI website as live feed as well as recorded

The results of this test will not be used as evidence by any Courts.

8.Instruction to DC-
If any poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen wants a change in this law, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk will post the affidavit on the website of Election Commission for a fee of Rs 20/- per page.

9) Instruction to Tatalati/Patwari/lekhpal/Village officer-
If poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen want to register his opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to any affidavit submitted in above clause, and he comes to Talati's office with voter-ID and pays Rs 3 fee, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a receipt. The YES-NO will be posted on the website of the Election Commission.


Right To Recall - Chief Election Commissioner

1.(1.1) The word citizen would mean a registered voter

(1.2) (1.2) The word "may" does not imply any moral-legal binding. It means "may" or "need not".

2.[Instruction for District Collector aka DC] If any eligible citizen of India wishes to become CEC (Chief Election Commissioner), and he appears in person or via a lawyer with affidavit before the District Collector (DC), the DC would accept his candidacy for CEC after taking filing fee same as deposit amount for MP election and put the name of the candidate on website of Election Commission.

3. [Instruction to Village Office/ Talati / Patwari(or his clerks)] (3.1). If a citizen of that district comes in person to Village officer/Patwari/ Talati's (lowest officer appointed by the collector) office, pays Rs 3 fee , and approves at most five persons for the CEC position, the Talati would enter his approvals in the computer and would him a receipt with his voter-id#, date/time and the persons he approved.

(3.2) If a the citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee.

(3.3) The Collector may create a system of sending SMS feedback to the voter

(3.4) The Collector may create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the voter and putting it on the receipt.

(3.5) The PM may create a system where by citizens can register approvals via ATM using ATM-cards.

(3.6) PM may add means to enable citizens to register approvals via SMS

4. [Instruction to Village Officer/ Talati/ Patwari] The Talati will put the preferences of the citizen on Election Commission's website with citizen's voter-ID number and his preferences.

5. [Instruction to Talati/ Village Officer/Patwari] If a citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee.

6. [Instruction to Cabinet Secretary (CS) ] On every 5th of month, the CS may publish Approval counts for each candidate as on last date of the previous month on the Election Commission website.

7. [Instruction to CEC] If a candidate gets approval of over 51% of ALL registered citizen-voters (ALL, not just those who have filed their approval) in a district, then CEC may resign and may ask MPs to appoint approved person as new CEC.

8. [Instruction to MPs] The MPs may elect the person stated in clause-7 as new CEC after expelling the existing CEC via a motion.

9. [Instruction to District Collector] If any citizen wants a change in this law-draft, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk will post affidavit on PM's website for Rs 20/- per page.

10.[Instruction to Village Officer/Talati] If any citizen want to register his opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to affidavit submitted in above clause, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a receipt for Rs 3 fee. The YES-NO will be posted on PM's website.

Hoping for an early reply!!

Fwd: orders from citizens

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: freedom Om <>
Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:52 AM
Subject: orders from citizens
To: arvind kejriwal <>, "" <>, Suresh Pathare <>

Dear Arvindji & associates,
1) Aam Aadmi Party says that it will draft all laws via committees. But they say this committee will be different from the government committees that they will take referendum from the people. Please tell the procedure of the referendum. Without the procedure, the aam-aadmi cannot participate in the referendum.

2) Aam Aadmi Party has given some proposals in Swaraj book including Right to recall over lokpal. Now, government has lakhs of employees and employees need detailed instructions or drafts for implementing the proposals. In 1977, Janta Party had promised Right to recall in its manifesto and also won on that issue. But on gaining power, it never implemented that since there were no drafts.

So, please give a time schedule for making drafts for these proposals and putting it on Aam Aadmi Party website, manifesto etc. 

3) In a ruling, SC said that Election Commission has powers to ensure fair and free elections and it can make notifications for this purpose. The voters cannot know what are the real intentions of the candidate to to fight elections. To solve this problem, EC can pass a notification that any candidate if asks voluntarily for their narco test in public, it will be conducted by EC. Please demand on wesite of AAP, in media etc from EC to issue this notification. Since the narco test will be asked voluntarily, it does not go against any court judgement or against the constitution.

This is one suggested procedure for the same -

Voluntary Narco Test in public by Election Commission

GO to be signed by Chief Election Commissioner 

1) Citizen here will mean citizen-voter registered in India. above the age of 25 years and below 65 years. Chief Election Commissioner or person deputed by him will carry these tasks for purpose of conducting narco (using sodium pentothal, under medical supervision) on candidates. The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) can be recalled/replaced by the citizens. (See Procedure below)

2) Instruction to Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)-
The act applies on any election candidate who voluntarily requests to get narco in public done on him/her.

3) Instruction to CEC - 
If any election candidate demands a truth serum test on himself, the CEC will order a forensic laboratory at a randomly chosen location in the State where he resides where a truth serum test on him will be conducted. 

4) Instruction to CEC-
The CEC will summon 24 citizens between age 35 and 55 years at random, and will divide them into two groups of 12 each, and allocate an officer of class-II or above to conduct the truth serum test.

5) Instruction to Officer-in charge of the test-
After truth serum is injected, a person in Group-A will put a question, and if over 7 persons in Group-B approve of that question, then the officer will ask that question. Each person in Group-A will get exactly 5 minutes.

6) Instruction to Officer-in charge of the test-
The mediamen will be invited for live telecast if the want. The serum test will be recorded and will be also put on GoI website as live feed as well as recorded

The results of this test will not be used as evidence by any Courts.

8.Instruction to DC-
If any poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen wants a change in this law, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk will post the affidavit on the website of Election Commission for a fee of Rs 20/- per page.

9) Instruction to Tatalati/Patwari/lekhpal/Village officer-
If poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen want to register his opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to any affidavit submitted in above clause, and he comes to Talati's office with voter-ID and pays Rs 3 fee, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a receipt. The YES-NO will be posted on the website of the Election Commission.


Right To Recall - Chief Election Commissioner

1.(1.1) The word citizen would mean a registered voter

(1.2) (1.2) The word "may" does not imply any moral-legal binding. It means "may" or "need not".

2.[Instruction for District Collector aka DC] If any eligible citizen of India wishes to become CEC (Chief Election Commissioner), and he appears in person or via a lawyer with affidavit before the District Collector (DC), the DC would accept his candidacy for CEC after taking filing fee same as deposit amount for MP election and put the name of the candidate on website of Election Commission.

3. [Instruction to Village Office/ Talati / Patwari(or his clerks)] (3.1). If a citizen of that district comes in person to Village officer/Patwari/ Talati's (lowest officer appointed by the collector) office, pays Rs 3 fee , and approves at most five persons for the CEC position, the Talati would enter his approvals in the computer and would him a receipt with his voter-id#, date/time and the persons he approved.

(3.2) If a the citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee.

(3.3) The Collector may create a system of sending SMS feedback to the voter

(3.4) The Collector may create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the voter and putting it on the receipt.

(3.5) The PM may create a system where by citizens can register approvals via ATM using ATM-cards.

(3.6) PM may add means to enable citizens to register approvals via SMS

4. [Instruction to Village Officer/ Talati/ Patwari] The Talati will put the preferences of the citizen on Election Commission's website with citizen's voter-ID number and his preferences.

5. [Instruction to Talati/ Village Officer/Patwari] If a citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee.

6. [Instruction to Cabinet Secretary (CS) ] On every 5th of month, the CS may publish Approval counts for each candidate as on last date of the previous month on the Election Commission website.

7. [Instruction to CEC] If a candidate gets approval of over 51% of ALL registered citizen-voters (ALL, not just those who have filed their approval) in a district, then CEC may resign and may ask MPs to appoint approved person as new CEC.

8. [Instruction to MPs] The MPs may elect the person stated in clause-7 as new CEC after expelling the existing CEC via a motion.

9. [Instruction to District Collector] If any citizen wants a change in this law-draft, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk will post affidavit on PM's website for Rs 20/- per page.

10.[Instruction to Village Officer/Talati] If any citizen want to register his opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to affidavit submitted in above clause, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a receipt for Rs 3 fee. The YES-NO will be posted on PM's website.