Thursday, 30 August 2012

Fwd: Arthakranti Prathishtan, flaws of Bank Transaction Tax

Mail sent to Arkranthi people- Anil Bokil, Atul Deshmukh, Sudhir Rao etc regarding the flaws of transaction tax and how it is anti-swadeshi by recallists and how the AK people evade questions in their replies.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Arthakranti Prathishtan
To: sanjay rana <>, sumit verma <>
Cc: Rahul Mehta <>, adeshara <>

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your reply.

1) Promise to pay account-

You had written about it -"

"Firstly, there is nothing like " Promise to Pay" Account in Banks.
Promise to pay can be in our internal books of accounts - i.e. debtors and creditors as a qualified C.A. you this better than me. "

Would like to requote what we have written before-

"Promise-to-pay is new type of account that I will provide my bank. Basically each person wil have two types of account - savings account and promise-to-pay account."

So, considering this please answer this question-

"In Arthkranti proposal, does a promise to pay fetch Transaction Tax? If yes, then please provide the DRAFT of the law which says which classifies promise to pay as payment.

If not, then tax collection will be too low ... . How?

I will open a bank and ask people to put deposit in savings. I will open two accounts --- actual savings and promise-to-pay. The promise-to-pay will also have promised-to-receive entries. So when X has to pay Rs 1000 to Rs Y, he will just make promise-to-pay transaction in my bank. So I will add -1000 in account of X and 1000 in account of Y. So all payments will be promise-to-pay.

And since this was promise-to-pay and not actual payment, no TT will apply.'

Now I will ensure that negative balance in promise-to-pay account of A does not exceed balance in his savings account and hence there will never be a default.

Now on 1-jan or some fixed date, I will do all settlements. if A's promise-to-pay balance is positive it will be added to savings account and if negative, it will be subtracted from savings account. So now transaction tax will apply only at this point.

So effectively, if TT is 2% it will become 2% of (Money received in one year - Money paid in one year) or (Money paid in one year - Money received in one year) , whichever is positive. It will not be not 2% of all money paid plus 2% of all money received.

All in all TT will be 2% if positive difference between opening balance on Jan-1"

2) Transaction tax will kill small scale industries-

We had asked -
"As of today , there is no tax on unprocessed food items in India. So, after transaction tax comes, food items will be 1-20% costlier depending on the number of points in the supply chain if the TT is 1% per point and will be 2-40% if TT is 2% per point. So, as it is , it seems food items will be costilier when transaction tax comes and items made in small scale will be more costlier than in large factories. The small scale food industries will be out of business , in competing with large factories. Since the small scale factories are mostly swadeshi, this proposal seems anti-swadeshi.
Transaction tax of 2% will become sales tax of 20% to 50%. eg consider following chain.

Farmer sells Wheat of Rs 1000 to wholesaler in mandi
wholesaler sells wheat of Rs 1050 to retailer
retailer sells wheat of Rs 1100 to Atta maker
Atta maker sells Rs 1150 of Atta to bakery
Bakery sells Rs 1200 of bread to wholesaler
Wholesaler sells Rs 1250 of bread to retailer
Retailer sells Rs 1300 of bread to end user

Now if 2% transaction tax is added at each level, final tax at end user will be about 12% to 14%/. Not that I mind, such tax will create a chain of "transactions without bills". So it is lose-lose situation.
Arthkrati proposal of transaction tax favors big companies at the cost of small. eg say 5 people do business wheat -> mandi -> wholesaler -> retailer -> bakeri -> retail bread shop -> customer. Then tax is about 12% of wheat price as there are 6 levels. Now if a big company buys wheat and directly sells to end customer, tax is only 2%.

I dont oppose big companies, but tax laws shouldnt favior big at the cost of small.
The small companies have to pay more taxes comparatively to the big companies. This will lead them to go out of business. And since most small companies are swadeshi. So, arthkranti proposal of transaction tax is anti-swadeshi.

So the transaction tax benefits big corporations more , and adversely effects small companies !! In fact, if whole economy comes under one company, transaction tax except on final retail sale will be nearly zero because all transactions except final retail sale are all internal transfers only !! If a tax law favors big over small/middle, then it will lead to inefficient consolidation. And all small-middle companies will be forced to sell their business to giant companies for pittance. And giant will grow bigger not because it is more efficient in terms of productivity, but it has to pay less taxes than two-more smaller companies doing same activities.
You had replied-"Secondly, there is no such situation as 'No tax  on unprocessed food.'  Only agri-income is not taxable at present. Who says bakery has not to pay Tax. Modern Bakery does not pay various types of taxes incl. Income Tax? Who says wholesaler has not to pay tax. Big wholesale houses, incl. large grocery shops do not pay any tax ? These are only presumption, devoid of any scintific approach. By taking some small amount transactions in an example, one is attempting to draw wrong conclusions. And small transactions as described  in the example can always be continued as at present without any tax, by carrying out business in cash. It is not illegal. It is not evading tax, it is only tax planning - avoiding tax. "

The income tax as of today applies equally for the small scale and large scale industries while the transaction tax will be more for small scale industries in comparison to the large scale industries.

Agri- products or unprocessed foods like wheat, rice , etc are tax free and will become costlier after TT comes.
Please find the list of VAT exempt items in this link-
3) TT will kill short-term borrowings or lead to collapse of economy-Regarding short term borrowings, as you had said that the BTT will be on each and every transaction, this will kill the short term borrowings and lead to collapse of economy.
So,There is a whole area called "over night borrowings" where Rs 1 cr is borrowed for 1-2 days and returned with interest of mere Rs 2000 to Rs 3000 !! Paying even 0.1% on whole transaction will just kill whole business.
Even is transaction tax is 0.5%, then also, the transaction tax on Rs 1 cr borrowed and returned Rs 1 cr + Rs 3000 interest will be Rs 10000 , which will kill all short term borrowing business. Industry today lives on short term borrowing. It is not just dishonest industrialists, even honest ones have to borrow now and then.

4) Recall of large notes and Transaction tax will not reduce black economy or reduce corruption-You had said -
" But if 90% of corruption is taking place with white money ( as is said in the 'Doubts'.) then those transactions are traceable, they can be opened, looked into, and if found of such nature, they can always be questioned. This is a job of 'investing agencies under Government control'.  With bill or without bill is not a poinbt of reference in post BTT era. It is a bank transaction. Once a transaction, there will be a tax. If you do not want to pay tax, do a LEGAL transaction - with ot without bill, in cash. If one wants to exchange gold etc. against cash, no problem what so ever, so long as both parties agree to it. If both the transacting parties have faith in each other AND they believe that gold being exchanged is of that purity ( and not adulterated ) transaction can take place - but how many ?  ALL transacting parties will not believe in ALL opposite parties. This is one of the reasons that paper currency came into existence. And if Dollar is accdeptable to ALL and in cash and after verifying its genuinity, no problem. Even in America, where faith in Dollar is already lost, there is alternate currency being exchanged  by name ' Bankeshare ' and it is absolutely legal.  Even in America there are places where Dollar is being rejected, ( I have faced this situation) and they accept only Bankeshare ( OR Euro as a special case ).So if that face-lost Dollar is acceptable in India, let it be tried - it is bound to fail. Let us not take situations in Metropolitan cities alone, let us talk of rural and semi-urban areas too, whether, there  other currencies can be in use? . "

That currency which is stronger-dollar or euro etc. will be used, also gold ,silver can be used. And semi-urban areas and rural areas have more items to trade with. If you go there, they still carry out moneyless transactions. The farmer often gives part of his produce for services.

90% of the corruption is taking with white money. It is traceable but not accountable by the citizens. Your claim that recall of large notes and TT alone can reduce 99% of corruption is incorrect.

I will give some examples,please tell how recall of  large notes coupled with BTT or government as of today can stop that ?

a)Consider Supreme Court judges. They never touch a paise, forget Rs 1000 note. An SCj will subtley tell you name of a lawyer who would be his close friend or some distant r...elative. And he will communicate amount to you. You pay CHEQUE of that amount to that SCj's friend or relative lawyer and next day you get the judgment. Thios is how over 90% of corruption has been going on in India since 1990. How will reducing Rs 1000 notes have any impact?
b) Another way is take it as a consulting fee in the name of relative. eg many Industrial Houses hire Bank Directors' relatives as lawyers or consultants. When bank directors deliver loans, the relative gets a fat consulting fee. Why Director? Chidambaran's wife has been a lawyer for many firms. In such cases, how do you prove that decision maker took a bribe to begin with?
c) How DIG-SCj nexus works. All SCjs have relative lawyers who need favor from police to weaken the case. So DIG will sell out, help a lawyer of SCj and SCj will do favor to DIG. Also, many relatives of SCjs are builders, industrialists etc who may be implicated in real or fake criminal cases, and DIG can help them out.
These and many more ways are mentioned in this link-

If there are any more queries, we are willing to attend to them. However, such vast subject can not be replied to thru exchange of mails.
You may consider our presentation to your group ( as mail are coming from different individuals ). What we request for is only reimbursement of out of pocket expenses such as air-fare, staying arrangements etc. whereever the presentation will be arranged.  Alternatively, you may come to Pune and we shall answer all your doubts.

Since this is a proposal meant for all the country, large number of people as possible should be able to take part in the debate. So, please come on a public platform like Forum ( or skype (audio recordings of the skype discussion can be distributed to others for their comment ).

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:59 AM, sanjay rana <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sudhir Rao <>
Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:39 AM
Subject: Arthakranti Prathishtan
Cc: Anil Bokil <>, Narendra Khot <>,, sumit verma <>, atul deshmukh <>

A mail sent by you to Shri Anil Bokil is being replied to as under : 

Absolutely similar mail - word to word - was received from Shri Sumit Varma and it has been replied to yesterday. The reply is reproduced below "


Firstly, there is nothing like " Promise to Pay" Account in Banks.
Promise to pay can be in our internal books of accounts - i.e. debtors and creditors as a qualified C.A. you this better than me.
If some one is satisfaied with a position as ' Creditor ' for one year, it is fine. It is not a bank transaction, so there is no question of BTT. If one is happy. let him not settle accounts for many years, why only one ?

Secondly, there is no such situation as 'No tax  on unprocessed food.'  Only agri-income is not taxable at present. Who says bakery has not to pay Tax. Modern Bakery does not pay various types of taxes incl. Income Tax? Who says wholesaler has not to pay tax. Big wholesale houses, incl. large grocery shops do not pay any tax ? These are only presumption, devoid of any scintific approach. By taking some small amount transactions in an example, one is attempting to draw wrong conclusions. And small transactions as described  in the example can always be continued as at present without any tax, by carrying out business in cash. It is not illegal. It is not evading tax, it is only tax planning - avoiding tax.

The proposed tax system does not take cognisance of the motive for which bank transaction is carried out. Banks do not recognise the nature of transaction behind any transaction - today and post BTT era too. So why are such questions come to mind whether tax will be on Rs 1 Cr OR on interest of Rs 1 L  OR on Rs 1.01 Cr ?  And where this Rs 2 crs comimng in ?  BTT is on a transaction. Once you borrow Rs 1 Cr and have a bank transaction, it will be taxed there and there only. Once you repay principle amout and interest through a bank, tax will be deducted on both, there and there only.  There can not be any carry over OR TDS at a later date. If you do not want to pay tax, you have an alternative to carry on - in cash. Only you will not get legal protection. No one stops anybody to walk on roads without insurance policy, but if any untowards happens, in such an eventuality question of insurance claim does not arise. The clarification applies to 'Jewelarry' example too. It is necessary to grasp that with abolition of various taxes, tax burden for Common Man is going down substantially, and paying tax on such transactions will not be burden-some.

As regards various links sent to verify corruption by bank transactions, etc. etc, they are attempted but THEY DO NOT OPEN. So I can not reply.  Kindly excuse me for the same, for, it is not my fault. But if 90% of corruption is taking place with white money ( as is said in the 'Doubts'.) then those transactions are traceable, they can be opened, looked into, and if found of such nature, they can always be questioned. This is a job of 'investing agencies under Government control'.  With bill or without bill is not a poinbt of reference in post BTT era. It is a bank transaction. Once a transaction, there will be a tax. If you do not want to pay tax, do a LEGAL transaction - with ot without bill, in cash. If one wants to exchange gold etc. against cash, no problem what so ever, so long as both parties agree to it. If both the transacting parties have faith in each other AND they believe that gold being exchanged is of that purity ( and not adulterated ) transaction can take place - but how many ?  ALL transacting parties will not believe in ALL opposite parties. This is one of the reasons that paper currency came into existence. And if Dollar is accdeptable to ALL and in cash and after verifying its genuinity, no problem. Even in America, where faith in Dollar is already lost, there is alternate currency being exchanged  by name ' Bankeshare ' and it is absolutely legal.  Even in America there are places where Dollar is being rejected, ( I have faced this situation) and they accept only Bankeshare ( OR Euro as a special case ).So if that face-lost Dollar is acceptable in India, let it be tried - it is bound to fail. Let us not take situations in Metropolitan cities alone, let us talk of rural and semi-urban areas too, whether, there  other currencies can be in use? .

Righttorecall is one movement. ARTHAKRANTI  is one movement.  One movement ( in fact which is addressing very limited areas ) doubting utility of other movement without going through it in totality and its merits -  is it fair ?

Mind is like a parachute, it works only when opened. So we need to open our mind, analyses sitiutions in a realistic manner before jumping to any unrealistic conclusions.

This reply may be forwarded to whosoever, you desire to.


If there are any more queries, we are willing to attend to them. However, such vast subject can not be replied to thru exchange of mails.
You may consider our presentation to your group ( as mail are coming from different individuals ). What we request for is only reimbursement of out of pocket expenses such as air-fare, staying arrangements etc. whereever the presentation will be arranged.  Alternatively, you may come to Pune and we shall answer all your doubts.

Hope you are satisfied with our proposal.

= Sudhir Rao =

Sanjay Rana
HImachal Pradesh

Fwd: Flaws and Doubts about Transaction tax

Mail sent to Arkranthi people- Anil Bokil, Atul Deshmukh, Sudhir Rao etc regarding the flaws of transaction tax and how it is anti-swadeshi by recallists and how the AK people evade questions in their replies.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: Flaws and Doubts about Transaction tax
To: Sanjay Rana2 <>, sumit verma <>, Amod Phalke <>

Dear Sir,

One of the demands of Artha Kranti and Swami Ramdev ji is Transaction tax and another is recall of large notes.

While we support recall of large notes, since it will reduce fake currency problem and problem of terrorism, there are major flaws in the Transaction Tax proposal.

(This is the Arthkarnti proposal-
Withdrawal of existing Taxation System completely (except customs i.e. import duties).  
Every Transaction routed through a bank will attract certain deduction in appropriate percentage as Transaction Tax i.e. Single point tax deducted at source. (say 2 %).This deduction is to be effected on receiving/credit accounts only. This deducted amount will be credited to different Government levels like Central, State and Local (say 0.7%, 0.6%, 0.35% respectively). Transacting Bank will also have its share in this amount as the bank has a key role to perform (say 0.35%).  
Withdrawal of High denomination currency (say above Rs. 50).  
Cash transactions will not attract any transaction tax.  
Government should make legal provisions to restrict cash transactions up to a certain limit (say Rs. 2000).  )

Outlining some doubts/flaws of Transaction Tax-

Promise-to-pay account loophole-

Promise-to-pay is new type of account that I will provide my bank. Basically each person wil have two types of account - savings account and promise-to-pay account.
 In Arthkranti proposal, does a promise to pay fetch Transaction Tax? If yes, then please provide the DRAFT of the law which says which classifies promise to pay as payment.
If not, then tax collection will be too low ... . How?
I will open a bank and ask people to put deposit in savings. I will open two accounts --- actual savings and promise-to-pay. The promise-to-pay will also have promised-to-receive entries. So when X has to pay Rs 1000 to Rs Y, he will just make promise-to-pay transaction in my bank. So I will add -1000 in account of X and 1000 in account of Y. So all payments will be promise-to-pay.
And since this was promise-to-pay and not actual payment, no TT will apply.'
Now I will ensure that negative balance in promise-to-pay account of A does not exceed balance in his savings account and hence there will never be a default.
Now on 1-jan or some fixed date, I will do all settlements. if A's promise-to-pay balance is positive it will be added to savings account and if negative, it will be subtracted from savings account. So now transaction tax will apply only at this point.
So effectively, if TT is 2% it will become 2% of (Money received in one year - Money paid in one year) or (Money paid in one year - Money received in one year) , whichever is positive. It will not be not 2% of all money paid plus 2% of all money received.
All in all TT will be 2% if positive difference between opening balance on Jan-1
Transaction tax will kill small scale industries-

As of today , there is no tax on unprocessed food items in India. So, after transaction tax comes, food items will be 1-20% costlier depending on the number of points in the supply chain if the TT is 1% per point and will be 2-40% if TT is 2% per point. So, as it is , it seems food items will be costilier when transaction tax comes and items made in small scale will be more costlier than in large factories. The small scale food industries will be out of business , in competing with large factories. Since the small scale factories are mostly swadeshi, this proposal seems anti-swadeshi.
Transaction tax of 2% will become sales tax of 20% to 50%. eg consider following chain.
Farmer sells Wheat of Rs 1000 to wholesaler in mandi
wholesaler sells wheat of Rs 1050 to retailer
retailer sells wheat of Rs 1100 to Atta maker
Atta maker sells Rs 1150 of Atta to bakery
Bakery sells Rs 1200 of bread to wholesaler
Wholesaler sells Rs 1250 of bread to retailer
Retailer sells Rs 1300 of bread to end user
Now if 2% transaction tax is added at each level, final tax at end user will be about 12% to 14%/. Not that I mind, such tax will create a chain of "transactions without bills". So it is lose-lose situation.

Arthkrati proposal of transaction tax favors big companies at the cost of small. eg say 5 people do business wheat -> mandi -> wholesaler -> retailer -> bakeri -> retail bread shop -> customer. Then tax is about 12% of wheat price as there are 6 levels. Now if a big company buys wheat and directly sells to end customer, tax is only 2%.
I dont oppose big companies, but tax laws shouldnt favior big at the cost of small.
The small companies have to pay more taxes comparatively to the big companies. This will lead them to go out of business. And since most small companies are swadeshi. So, arthkranti proposal of transaction tax is anti-swadeshi.

So the transaction tax benefits big corporations more , and adversely effects small companies !! In fact, if whole economy comes under one company, transaction tax except on final retail sale will be nearly zero because all transactions except final retail sale are all internal transfers only !! If a tax law favors big over small/middle, then it will lead to inefficient consolidation. And all small-middle companies will be forced to sell their business to giant companies for pittance. And giant will grow bigger not because it is more efficient in terms of productivity, but it has to pay less taxes than two-more smaller companies doing same activities.

Also, the chain of manufacturing is not due to economic inefficiencies -- it is due to technical specialization. eg a company which is good in making car doesnt know how to make rubber tires and so they buy from other company. The chain was small, just one person long, when man was hunter and gatherer . And the chain has been growing ever since technology advanced and more specializations came. So transaction tax will discourage specialization and thus retard technological growth.

How Transaction Tax will destroy Small Scale Jewellery Industry, who Trade for Jewelleries in White (By Check).

We have considered Transaction Tax as 2%per step  
In Jewellery, there are 3 layers in 90% cases of small jewellery show-room.
1st layer is Jewellery Menufacturer. Such jewellers menufacture jewellery in their factory.
2nd layer is Jewellery Wholeseller. Such traders invest in jewellery and deal in wholesale trading. 90% small jewellery show-room buys from such wholesellers.
3rd layer is retail Jewellry Show-room you can see on road. 90% small show-rooms buys jewellery from Jewellery Wholesellers.
Now let us understand the effect of Transaction Tax. Say 1st layer sold jewellery worth 1 lakh to 2nd layer and price comes to 1.02 Lakh. And 2nd layer sold jewellery worth 1.02 lakh to 3rd layer and price comes 1.042 lakh. When 3rd layer sold jewelery worth 1 lakh to retail user price comes to 1.0642 lakh, FINAL PRICE WILL BE 1,06,420.
Now considering same case, MNCs & Big Corporate Jewellery House menufacture jewellery in their own factory outlet. So, MNCs will save 6420 Rs Transaction Tax

Transaction Tax is open loot of 6.042% for Small Jewellery Industry and the day Transaction tax will be implemented, small scale industry will be destroyed.
now this is simple item. Take items like car. From rubber plant to tyre, there are 5 people. From metal to transmission, there are 10 factories and 5 traders. Please ask any of your friend in manufacturing. A metal piece goes through 10 manufactures and 5 traders before it comes into consumer items.

3) TT will kill short-term borrowings or lead to collapse of economy-
Say a person X borrows Rs 1 crore and repays Rs 1.01 crore 1 month later
with 1% per month interest. Then will transaction tax be 2% of Rs 100,00 or 2% of Rs 1 crore or 2% of Rs 1.01 crore or 2% of Rs 2.01 crore . If it is 2% of Rs 200,000 , then it is income tax of 2% and not really transaction tax. And governmentt cant run with 2% income tax. And if tax is 2% on Rs 2 cr, then whole economy will collapse. Because even wealthy companies like Reliance have to sometimes borrow 100s of crores of rupees for 1-2- weeks to meet day-to-day requirement . There is a whole area called "over night borrowings" where Rs 1 cr is borrowed for 1-2 days and returned with interest of mere Rs 2000 to Rs 3000 !! Paying even 0.1% on whole transaction will just kill whole business.

Even is transaction tax is 0.5%, then also, the transaction tax on Rs 1 cr borrowed and returned Rs 1 cr + Rs 3000 interest will be Rs 10000 , which will kill all short term borrowing business. Industry today lives on short term borrowing. It is not just dishonest industrialists, even honest ones have to borrow now and then.

4) Recall of large notes and Transaction tax will not reduce black economy or reduce corruption-

Please note that 90% of corruption happens with white money. Please see these links for more information-
a)Thousand ways for noteless and white ways to take bribes-
b) 0088 : रिश्वत लेने के लिए,बिना नोट के , हजार अप्रत्यक्ष वैध तरीके-

If the final tax is 10% to 50% of item cost, then there will be parallel "without bill" economy, where good will be 10% to 50% cheaper. And this economy can function with gold, silver or dollar as medium. A cost difference of 5% is sufficient to generate "without bill" economy.

It is not just the final seller who will evade taxes, but whole chain. Thats what happens even today --- there is whole with bill chain and a whole without bill chain. With tax on transactions, there is more reason to keep transaction off the bills and thus create without bill economy

One gram of gold can be used for Rs 2000 transaction, 1 gram of silver as Rs 10 note and for smaller transactions, there are notes anyway. And Gold and silver can be easily tested by cheap, easily available machines , etc . Well, gold can be stolen, but then even Rs 1000 note can be stolen. Still people use Rs 1000 notes because chances of theft are less than tax one has to pay if transaction is on-book. So the manufacturers, assemblers, traders etc can use cheque for billed transcations, and use gold/silver for off-bill transaction. What will stop them?
c) All transaction tax supporters rule out possiblity of dollars as alternate use of currecncy being used. But this has actually happened in countries like Russia in 1990s. What if people in our country also start using dollars with coming of transaction tax ?? I will give one link here -

Say I do a business. Then-
1) Only 50% or so of my transactions will be non-rupee transactions.
2) If I fall short of rupees, I can go to the unauthorised money changer and exchange my dollars, gold, etc. Similarly this will work in the reverse also. I can get gold, silver, dollars also from the money lender if I need that.
Thus I can evade tax in 50% or so of my business transactions.`

This tax evasions wil set up a parallel economy. Similar things have already occured in other countries, so this is not unrealistic and dollars I can change even today.

Lastly, whatever tax structure should come , should come via the knowledge and approval of 120 crore citizens of the country. , For getting the opinion of the people, the best procedure is Transparent Complaint / Proposal procedure. Please see this procedure in chapter 1 of
and tax proposals in chapter 5 of same document.(Please find the same also in attachment)

 Please support Transparent Complaint / Proposal Procedure and bring it FIRST . Once that is in place, bringing other reforms will happen quickly, within months, and that too with the approval of the citizens.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Fwd: Mails sent to Arvind Kejriwal and IAC 1

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:31 PM
Subject: Mails sent to Arvind Kejriwal and IAC 1
To: Vikas Goyal <>

Vikas bhai,

As you had requested  to see mails which I and others sent to others , I am forwarding those to you. There will come 2-3 more mails with same title.

In this mail , I am giving links of posts we put on and also ad we gave on TCP / lokpal on april 28,2011 addressed to Anna ji and IAC.

(1) Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta Says:
# A247LB April 23rd, 2011 at 11:34 pm
Pls add about 3 + 9 clauses in JLD

1. Transparent Complaint Filing Procedure - 3 clauses

2. Right to Recall Lokpal - 9 clauses

Both are explained in the PDF with exact draft
(2). Janta Mat Says:
# A734LB April 24th, 2011 at 10:52 pm
The three shortcomings are

1. Citizens have no Right to Recall Lokpal(Chairperson or member) if Lokpal(consisting of chairperson and 10 members) is corrupt has
nexus with corrupt SC-Cj

2. Citizens have no Right to Retain Lokpal, Lokpal is honest but SC-Cj
is corrupt and dismisses honest Lokpal

3. Lokpal can ignore complaint even if complaint is coming from crores

of citizens who have no access to media


The first two shortcomings are that NO Right to Recall Lokpal
provision for citizens. Only Supreme Court Chief judge can select and remove (see sections 6,7 of proposed LokPal bill) Lokpal. How non-corrupt are Supreme Court Chief judges? Eminent Lawyer
Shanti Bhushan says that half of the past 16 SC-Cjs were corrupt !!!
In addition, nepotism and deliberate in-actions on large issues has
become common.

In this circumstances, it possible that

a. Corrupt SC-Cj would blackmail an honest Lokpal. Lokpal's
independence is compromised

b. Corrupt Lokpal and corrupt SC-Cj would form nexuses and assist each
other in many ways.

Also, an assumption that Lokpal will never become corrupt, or that
Lokpal-SCCj will not form a nexus is something I would like to dismiss
outrightly. Lokpal can become corrupt and may form nexus with SC-Cj in
which case Right to Recall Lokpal becomes MUST. And Lokpal and SC-Cj
may get both purchased by MNCs, in which case MNCs will end up having
complete control over Indian Administration, Ministries and Courts. So
we must have Right to Recall Lokpal. RTR Lokpal is also supported by
writings of Satyarth Prakash which page-1 of chap-6 says that "Raajaa
(Raajvarg) must be Prajaa-aadheen or else he will rob citizens the way
carnivorous animals kill small animals, and thus such a Raajaa will
ruin the nation". Same way, Lokpal must be Prajaa-aadheen. Or else, he
will rob the citizens and ruin the nation. In case Right to Recall
Lokpal Chairman is too much for others to accept, then IMO, we should
settle for Right to Recall any one member, called as Citizen's Member
in Lokpal.

The third shortcoming is that it may happen that Lokpal gives no
hearing to a big complaint that matters to crores of people who dont
have access to wealthy lawyers and media. Lokpal can simply delay
action on that complaint by calling it small and "too few people want
action on it". We must have a mechanism that would at least ensure
that Lokpal can dismiss complaints that matter to crores of commons
who have no access to media.


Proposed additions to JanLokpal Draft

We propose adding following two sections in JanLokpal draft

Section - CV : Citizens Voice

Clause CV.1 : If a citizen comes to District Collector's office with
an affidavit containing complain, then after verification of identity,
Collector or Executive Magistrate he has appointed will put the
complaint on the website of Lokpal.

Clause CV.2 : Any citizen can register YES-NO on a complaint filed in
clause-1 by paying Rs 3 at Patwari (Talati) office after showing voter
card and Talati will add the YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with
name and voter-number of the citizen.

This will ensure that if the JanLokpal is ignoring complaint of crores of
citizens, he will get exposed. And the fact that he can get exposed,
he will not dare to ignore complaints of crores.
Right to Recall Lokpal

Section - RTRLC : Right to Recall Lokpal Chairperson

clause-1 [General Declaration] . The word citizen would mean a
registered voter.

clause-2 [Procedure for Collector] If a citizen of India above 30
years wishes to be LokPal, he can appear before Collector. Collector would
issue a serial number for a filing fee same as deposit amount for MP

clause-3 [Procedure for Talati , Patwari (or Talati's Clerks)] If a
citizen comes in person to Talati's office, pays Rs 3 fee , and
approves at most five persons for the Lokpal Chairperson position, the
Talati would enter his approvals in the computer and would him a
receipt with his voter-id#, date/time and the persons he approved. The
fee shall be Rs 1 for those with BPL card. If a the citizen comes to
cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his
approvals without any fee.

clause-4 [Procedure for Talati , Patwari (or Talati's Clerks)] The
Talati will put the preferences of the citizen on Lokpal's website
with citizen's voter-ID number and his preferences.

clause-5 [Procedure for Secretary of Lokpal] On every Monday, the
Secretary will publish Approval counts for each candidate.

clause-6 [Procedure for Lokpal] If any candidate has obtained more
than 38 crore approvals and is 1 crore more than approvals obtained by
existing Lokpal, then Lokpal may resign and may request PM to appoint
the most approved candidate as Lokpal.


The Right to Recall Lokpal clauses can be also used to retain a
Lokpal, if Lokpal is honest and a dishonest SC-Cj removes him. In such
case, citizens can file approval for that honest ex-Lokpal and make
him Lokpal again.

And I will repeat, in case Right to Recall Lokpal Chairman is too much
for others to accept, then IMO, we should settle for Right to Recall
any one member, called as Citizen's Member in Lokpal
(3) Prashant K. Vakharia Says:

# A1177LB April 28th, 2011 at 5:39 pm
I strongly demand right to recall and transparent complaint filling procedure in proposed Lokpal Bill. I supported you when you were on fast and in the same way today I support Rahul Mehta for Right To Recall and Transparent complaint filling procedure.

He has given advertisement in 28th April 2011 in Indian Express on his agenda.

He has also posted his

demand here in this website and token receipt no. is #A247LB AND I fully agree with him.
(4) Indian Express ad of April 28,2011 requesting Anna ji to add RTR-lokpal and Transparent complaint / Proposal procedure clauses to Janlokpal-
See attachment
(5) Posts on IAC page, which were deleted-
Many people wrote to Arvind Kejriwal , IAC but we did not collect all mails . Rest I will forward those mails which I and others sent to Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi. 

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Vikas Goyal <> wrote:
Thanks kmoksha,

can u please also provide documents on current RTR process as in USA and link to video taps of that swiss multimillonaire


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 2:27 PM, kmoksha rishi <> wrote:

Sending you in attachment files regarding RTR-lokpal and Transparent complaint Procedure. Please study them and give your views.


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Vikas Goyal <> wrote:

Vikas Rattan Goyal
One life , live to fullest

Vikas Rattan Goyal

One life , live to fullest

Fwd: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto

Wrote and spoke to Subramanian Swamy about giving a copy of Janta
Party Manifesto of 1977 but received no reply at all inspite of
reminding him again by phone.

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "kmoksha"
Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto


Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 22:59:11 IST

Dear Sir,

I am a admirer of your party and your truthful and eye-opening
statements and your commitment for betterment of the country.
I am doing a thesis for which I need a copy of Janata Party`s 1977

Would be highly obliged for sending the same.

Thanking you,


Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kmoksha"<>
To: <>
Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Dear Sir,

I am a admirer of your party and your truthful and eye-opening statements and your commitment for betterment of the country.
I am doing a thesis for which I need a copy of Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto.

Would be highly obliged for sending the same.

Thanking you,


Fwd: Fw: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:52 PM
Subject: Fw: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto

Wrote and spoke to Subramanian Swamy about giving a copy of Janta
Party Manifesto of 1977 but received no reply at all inspite of
reminding him again by phone.

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "kmoksha"
Subject: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto


Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 22:59:11 IST

Dear Sir,

I am a admirer of your party and your truthful and eye-opening
statements and your commitment for betterment of the country.
I am doing a thesis for which I need a copy of Janata Party`s 1977

Would be highly obliged for sending the same.

Thanking you,


Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kmoksha" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Fw: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Wrote and spoke to Subramanian Swamy about giving a copy of Janta
Party Manifesto of 1977 but received no reply at all inspite of
reminding him again by phone.

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "kmoksha"
Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto


Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 22:59:11 IST

Dear Sir,

I am a admirer of your party and your truthful and eye-opening
statements and your commitment for betterment of the country.
I am doing a thesis for which I need a copy of Janata Party`s 1977

Would be highly obliged for sending the same.

Thanking you,


Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kmoksha"<>
To: <>
Subject: Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto
Dear Sir,

I am a admirer of your party and your truthful and eye-opening statements and your commitment for betterment of the country.
I am doing a thesis for which I need a copy of Janata Party`s 1977 manifesto.

Would be highly obliged for sending the same.

Thanking you,


[New post] Asking support for Transparent complaint procedure and Right to recall

Post : Asking support for Transparent complaint procedure and Right to recall
Posted : August 29, 2012 at 4:38 pm
Author : righttorecallmails
Categories : Uncategorized
Dear sir,
warm greetings from Right to recall against corruption team
In behalf of Right to recall against corruption team I (siva subramaniyam) write this mail to our caption vijayakanth for supporting Transport complaint procedure.
When power is in hands of few, problems like corruption crop up in society. That is why power should be in hands of every person.Power to know, power to convey and power to decide.
A three line law if signed by prime minister or chief minister can make this possible- Citizens voice.
Introducing three line LAW.
We ask our caption vijayakanth and DMDK party to support us and promote this draft to peoples of india
Kindest regards
In behalf of RTR team
siva subramaniyam.
Add a comment to this post:
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ये एक पत्रकार, धनञ्जय को मैंने लिखा था, कोई जवाब नहीं आया |

ये एक पत्रकार को मैंने लिखा था, कोई जवाब नहीं आया |
Dhananjay Singh: mob: 09560016206

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: 2011/9/12
Subject: Right to recall procedures

धनञ्जय जी ,
जैसे हमने फ़ोन पर बात की थी, मैं आपको `राईट टू रिकाल` प्रक्रियाओं की फाइल
भेज रहा हूँ अटैचमेंट में |

कृपया ये विडियो भी देखें -

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST - Part-1-

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST - Part-2-

कृपया अपने कमेन्ट जरूर दें , इन क़ानून-ड्राफ्ट के ऊपर |

धन्यवाद |


Fwd: Fw: Request all IAC and BST activists to add right to recall and CITIZENS voice clauses to JanLokPal Bill

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bharat <>
Date: 29 Aug 2012 09:15:43 -0000
Subject: Fw: Request all IAC and BST activists to add right to recall
and CITIZENS voice clauses to JanLokPal Bill

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "bharat "
Subject: Request all IAC and BST activists to add right to recall and
clauses to JanLokPal Bill

Fwd: Proposed Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall-lokpal clauses addidtions to lokpal bill

No reply from Abdul Kalam ji.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 12:24 AM
Subject: Proposed Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall-lokpal clauses addidtions to lokpal bill
To: Abdul Kalam <>

Dear Dr. Kalam,


I am a Indian Citizen worried about the rampant corruption and poverty in the country.

We have proposed some solutions for erasing them..

Our main proposal is called the Transparent Complaint / Proposal Procedure , which is only of three lines.

We propose it to be added to the proposed lokpal bill.

Request you to download and go through this link- 

or download it from the attachment ,

Also, discuss any doubts with one of the activist - rahul mehtha who has deeper knowledge in this regard

Phones : 98251-27780 , 9825232754 Supath-2, Juna Vadaj Bus Stand, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-14 )

If you find it as potential Solution for our problems , please publicly support this cause.
With regards,

Kashyap Arora.

Fwd: Flaws and solutions of lopal and Janlokpal bills

ये एक पत्रकार कवी है, जिसको मेल भेजा था , लेकिन इन्होने अपनी कोई भी राय नहीं दी |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: 2011/10/30
Subject: Fwd: Flaws and solutions of lopal and Janlokpal bills
To: Prabhat Kumar <>

प्रभात जी,
आपको हिंदी और अंग्रेजी की फाइल राईट टू रिकाल-लोकपाल पर और अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न पर ,अटैचमेंट में भेज रहा हूँ |
इन के लिंक से भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं-
राईट टू रिकाल लोकपाल - (हिंदी) (english)

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न- (हिंदी) (english)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 4:30 PM
Subject: Flaws and solutions of lopal and Janlokpal bills

Dear Sir,

Attaching two documents regarding `Flaws and solutions of lokpal bills` and `FAQs on Right to recall and Citizens voice-Transparent complaint procedure`.

Please give your expert views.

Thanking you,


Fwd: Flaws and solutions of lopal and Janlokpal bills

This is mail sent to haryana chief election commissioner. No reply came.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 4:30 PM
Subject: Flaws and solutions of lopal and Janlokpal bills

Dear Sir,

Attaching two documents regarding `Flaws and solutions of lokpal bills` and `FAQs on Right to recall and Citizens voice-Transparent complaint procedure`.

Please give your expert views.

Thanking you,


Fwd: Right to recall lokpal and how to improve education

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:23 PM
Subject: Right to recall lokpal and how to improve education
To: Prince Kumar <>


As we spoke in the evening regarding Transparent Complaint / Suggestion Procedure and RTR-lokpal , I am sending some files in attachment.
The first file is regarding proposals to be added to lokpal bill to avoid lokpal from becoming corrupt and to avoid the complaints/suggestions being suppressed.

Second file is FAQs on RRG proposed procedures.

Third file is the detailed file on all the proposed drafts.

To improve education, we need three procedures-
 Transparent Complaint / Proposal Procedure, RTR-Education minister and RTR-Dist. Education officer.
They are given in chapter1, 6, and 30 of the the last attached file ,301.pdf

Please see this video of Rahulbhai on solution of mess of IIt-Jee scrapping-

Please accept my friend request on facebook (kmoksha Rishi)


Fwd: Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall drafts

No reply

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall drafts
To: Bikramjit Singh Chhachhi <>
Cc: Rahul Mehta <>

Bikramjit Singh ji,

Hope you have received the mail which I sent earlier.

Our colleague who has been since 15 years campaigning for RTR drafts and who wrote to govt. and Anna etc regarding flaws of RTI act and the solutions , Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta, 
would like to speak with you.

I am giving your contact number here-

His contact number is -

His mail id is in cc.



On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 9:46 PM, kmoksha rishi <> wrote:
Bikramjit Singh ji,

Sending you some files in attachment.

The first file is about Transparent Complaint/ proposal system.

Second on RTR-lokpal.

Third is FAQs 

And last is detailed document containing drafts on different issues.


Fwd: Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall drafts

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 9:46 PM
Subject: Transparent Complaint Procedure and Right to recall drafts
To: Bikramjit Singh Chhachhi <>

Bikramjit Singh ji,

Sending you some files in attachment.

The first file is about Transparent Complaint/ proposal system.

Second on RTR-lokpal.

Third is FAQs 

And last is detailed document containing drafts on different issues.


Fwd: Transparent Complaint Procedure and FAQs

No reply came.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 1:34 AM
Subject: Transparent Complaint Procedure and FAQs
To: Ranjana Kanti <>,

Shri Anurag Kanti,

As per mentioned talk with you in the evening, sending you documents to read in english regarding Transparent Complaint / Proposal procedure and other RRG proposals in attachment along with FAQs .

I have read your sent mail . Would like to tell you that I am already active in the field working on procedures to change the country.

Since 65 years , very few people are working on procedures which are needed for the country, so no change has come in the country.

That is why I and others are working in this issue, especially those procedures by which we can prevent our country being dominated and enslaved by MNCs and foreigners.

Any questions, please do ask.



Fwd: Acharya Balkrishan ji`s bail

इस मेल का कोई जवाब नहीं आया -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: 2012/7/27
Subject: Acharya Balkrishan ji`s bail

मान्यवर महोदय,

हम भारत स्वाभिमान के समर्थक हैं | हमआचार्य बालकृष्ण जी की बेल करवाने का प्रयत्न कर रहे हैं और अलग-अलग व्यवसाय से जुड़े हुए भारतीय नागरिक हैं | 

लेकिन आचार्य बालकृष्ण जी की बेल करने के लिए , कृपया उनकी वारंट की कापी चाहिए , जो उनके गिरफ़्तारी के समय दी गयी थी |

ताकि ये पता चल सके कि उनको किन आरोपों के तहत गिरफ्तार किया है और बेल भी नहीं दी है |

इसीलिए गिरफ़्तारी कि नोटिस की कापी ई-मेल द्वारा भेजें |

हो सके तो बेल ना देने का कोर्ट का आर्डर भी ई-ईमेल द्वारा भेजने की कृपा करें | 

धन्यवाद सहित,

कश्यप |

Fwd: Transparent Opinon Gathering Mechanism and other proposals

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: Transparent Opinon Gathering Mechanism and other proposals
To: Right to Recall Mails <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:49 AM
Subject: Transparent Opinon Gathering Mechanism and other proposals
To: Rainwater Club <>

Vishwanath ji,

Our country badly needs a Transparent Opinion gathering mechanism by
which the opinons of the citizens will not be suppressed.
Unless we have that, development of our country will be at a snail pace.

Therefore, kindly go through the attached files and give your comments.
In case you do not have time, at least go through the first three
files which are short.

Please acknowledge receipt of this mail.

Thanking you,


Fwd: Transparent Opinon Gathering Mechanism and other proposals

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:49 AM
Subject: Transparent Opinon Gathering Mechanism and other proposals
To: Rainwater Club <>

Vishwanath ji,

Our country badly needs a Transparent Opinion gathering mechanism by
which the opinons of the citizens will not be suppressed.
Unless we have that, development of our country will be at a snail pace.

Therefore, kindly go through the attached files and give your comments.
In case you do not have time, at least go through the first three
files which are short.

Please acknowledge receipt of this mail.

Thanking you,


Fwd: Right to recall-lokpal and other right to recall drafts

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Right to recall-lokpal and other right to recall drafts

Dear Sir,

Most humbly and respectfully I like to state that i am a big fan of your internet tv program. Recently you have started a program in Black & White focusing on Right To Recall and said that you will show various thoughts and discussions about it. Regarding this I would like to ask you that carefully read and see the documents and videos respectively and consider about the difference between Janlokpal and Right to Recall corrupt Lokpal Draft? I

f you support RTR-Lokpal then there is a humble request to you that please show our thoughts and suggestions on your Black & white program.

We will be very great-full to you if you find our drafts necessary and good for the common people of India.

Sending the draft in attachment and also giving the links.
The links were given bellow. Thanks in advance and waiting for you reply and your comments on the draft-procedures.
You can find the draft
Related video links:

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST -- Part-1

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST -- Part-2
For more drafts, RTR-PM, transparent complaint procedure, RTR-CM, RTR-DEO, MRCM :


Fwd: Right tor Recall procedures

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: Right tor Recall procedures

Resending links of Right to recall videos.

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST - Part-1-

Why Right to Recall Lokpal is MUST - Part-2-

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, kmoksha rishi <> wrote:
Dear Sir,
Most humbly and respectfully I like to state that i am a big fan of your internet tv program. Recently you have started a program in Black & White focusing on Right To Recall and said that you will show various thoughts and discussions about it. Regarding this I would like to ask you that carefully read and see the documents and videos respectively and consider about the difference between Janlokpal and Right to Recall corrupt Lokpal Draft? If you support RTR-Lokpal then there is a humble request to you that please show our thoughts and suggestions on your Black & white program.
We will be very great-full to you if you find our drafts necessary and good for the common people of India. The links were given bellow. Thanks in advance and waiting for you reply and your comments on the draft-procedures.

You can find the draft here:

Related video links:

For more drafts, RTR-PM, transparent complaint procedure, RTR-CM, RTR-DEO, MRCM :



Fwd: Right tor Recall procedures

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha rishi <>
Date: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM
Subject: Right tor Recall procedures

Dear Sir,
Most humbly and respectfully I like to state that i am a big fan of your internet tv program. Recently you have started a program in Black & White focusing on Right To Recall and said that you will show various thoughts and discussions about it. Regarding this I would like to ask you that carefully read and see the documents and videos respectively and consider about the difference between Janlokpal and Right to Recall corrupt Lokpal Draft? If you support RTR-Lokpal then there is a humble request to you that please show our thoughts and suggestions on your Black & white program.
We will be very great-full to you if you find our drafts necessary and good for the common people of India. The links were given bellow. Thanks in advance and waiting for you reply and your comments on the draft-procedures.

You can find the draft here:

Related video links:

For more drafts, RTR-PM, transparent complaint procedure, RTR-CM, RTR-DEO, MRCM :



Fwd: Fw: Questions and Suggestions re Model Nagar Raj Bill

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:27 PM
Subject: Fw: Questions and Suggestions re Model Nagar Raj Bill

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "kmoksha"
To: "parivartanindia"
Subject: Questions and Suggestions re Model Nagar Raj Bill

"kmoksha" | Add to Address book |This is spam

To: "parivartanindia"
Subject: Questions and Suggestions re Model Nagar Raj Bill
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 16:50:27 IST
Note: To help protect your privacy, images from this message have been
blocked.View images | What is this?
Arvind ji,

With reference to my mail dated 19 Nov 2010, would like to make the following queries and

1)What is the number of people which will be in a mohalla and how many people will gather in a
mohalla sabha?

2)After reading the proposed Bill, we feel the following clauses should be added-

Section-CV : Citizens' voice

If any poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen wants a change in
this law, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk
will post the affidavit on the website of Prime Minister for a fee of Rs
20/- per page.
If poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen want to register his
opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to any
affidavit submitted in above clause, and he comes to Talati's office with
voter-ID and pays Rs 3 fee, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a
receipt. The YES-NO will be posted on the website of the Prime
The Section-CV described above only enable to citizens to notice the voice against the
proposed law if there is such a voice.
3) Please also tell if you propose to introduce the Power to recall National information

Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kmoksha"<>
To: "parivartanindia"<>
Subject: Questions and Suggestions re Model Nagar Raj Bill
  • Arvind ji,

    With reference to my mail dated 19 Nov 2010, would like to make the following queries and suggestions-

    1)What is the number of people which will be in a mohalla and how many people will gather in a mohalla sabha?

    2)After reading the proposed Bill, we feel the following clauses should be added-

  •                    Section-CV : Citizens' voice 
  •  CV.1
            If any poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen wants a change in
            this law, he may submit an affidavit at DC's office and DC or his clerk
            will post the affidavit on the website of Prime Minister for a fee of Rs
            20/- per page.          
  •   CV.2
            If poor, dalit, woman, senior citizen or any citizen want to register his    
            opposition to this law or any section or wants to register YES-NO to any    
            affidavit submitted in above clause, and he comes to Talati's office with    
            voter-ID and pays Rs 3 fee, Talati will enter YES/NO and give him a    
            receipt. The YES-NO will be posted on the website of the Prime    
    The Section-CV described above only enable to citizens to notice the voice against the
    proposed law if there is such a voice.
  • 3) Please also tell if you propose to introduce the Power to recall National information comissioner?

Fwd: Fw: Model Nagar raj Bill

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kmoksha <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:16 PM
Subject: Fw: Model Nagar raj Bill

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

"kmoksha" | Add to Address book |This is spam

Subject: Model Nagar raj Bill
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 21:35:34 IST
Note: To help protect your privacy, images from this message have been
blocked.View images | What is this?
Arvind ji,

Ham Bharat Swabhiman ke karyarta ka samuh hain jo website aadi se deshhit mein apna samay dete

Aapka kaam sarahniy hai.

Apki website dekhi jismein aapne Model Nagar raj Bill diya hua hai-

Isi vishay mein kuch jaankari chahiye thi-
Desh mein kul kitne mohalla sabha va gram sabha prastaavit prastaavit hain?
Mohalla sabha, ward aur gram sabha par kul kitni rashi kharch ki jayegi?
3) Abhi jo desh par rashi kharch ki jaati hai, kya is bill aane se ismein kuch bachat hogi aur
lagbag kitni?

Kripya hamarein forums jaroor dekhen-




Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Arvind ji LokPal Bill ko hindi mein banayein Aur Right to recall LokPal kalamein daalein

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:43 PM, bharat <> wrote:
Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "bharat "
Subject: Re: Re: Arvind ji LokPal Bill ko hindi mein banayein Aur Right to recall
LokPal kalamein daalein

Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "bharat "<>
To: <>,<>,<>
Cc: <>,<>
Subject: Re: Re: Arvind ji LokPal Bill ko hindi mein banayein Aur Right to recall LokPal kalamein daalein
Arvind ji,
Hindi translation ke liye hamein kuch log milgaye hain.
Lok Pal Bill ke section 7 ke anusaar Supreme Court judge kisi bhrasht Lokpal adhyaksh ya members ko nikaal sakta hai. Lekin Supreme Court ke judge bhi bhrasht ho sakta hai ya Lokpal ke saath mila ho sakta hai.
Abhi adhiktar judge corrupt hote hain ya netaon ke saath mile hue hote hain, isiliye nyay nahi milta.

Jo right to recall ke clause hamne prastaav kiye hain ,usmein Lokpal adhyaksh ko nikaalne ki satta logon ke paas hai.

Jab tak satta kuch hi vyaktiyon ke paas hogi, tab tak bhrashtachar nahi mitega. Satta har jan ke paas honi chahiye.

Right to recall Lokpal Adhyaksh ya prajaa adhin Lokpal Adhyaksh
kripya attachment mein dekh sakte hain
ya is link se bhi download kar sakte hain-


Anil Mittal

On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 12:51:50 +0530 wrote
>Aapka vichar bahut sundar hai. Kya aap is bill ka hindi mein translation kar sakte hain? Yeh bahut zaroori hai. Aur kanoon mein lokpal ko hatane ki prakriya already hai.
>Arvind kejriwal
>From: "bharat "
Date: 24 Dec 2010 07:15:54 -0000To: Cc: ; ; ; Subject: Arvind ji LokPal Bill ko hindi mein banayein Aur Right to recall LokPal kalamein daalein

Jaise aap ko maaloom hai ki LokPal bill Arvind Kejrival ji dwara prastavit hai bhrashtachar ke virudh.
Lekin ye bill hindi mein nahi banaya gaya.
Jisse ye jansamuh is ko pad bhi nahi payenge samajhne ki baat to dur hai aur apne vichaar nahi de payenge
Doosra ismein Lokpal adhyaksh ko hatane ka koi praavdhan nahi hai jisse
Lokpal bhrasht ho sakta hai.

Isiliye Arvind kejrival ji ko bhinti karein hindi mein LokPal Banane ke liye aur Right to recall Lokpal adhyaksh kalmein daalne ke liye,
unko 9868069953 par sms karke ya Manish Sisodia ko sms karke 9718255455 par.

Right to recall LokPal bill in links par dekh evam download kar sakte hain-


Jai Hind.
Jai Bharat.