Wednesday, 25 June 2014

कृपया संसद में तुरंत बिल प्रस्तुत करें कि चुनावी यंत्र तुरंत बैन किया जाये और मतदान पत्र लाया जाये

आदरणीय राओ इन्दरजीत सिंह जी,

आप मेरे संसद क्षेत्र, गुडगाँव के सांसाद हैं |

चुनावी यंत्र कई विकसित देशों में बैन हैं क्यूंकि चुनावी यंत्र में छेड़-छाड बड़े स्तर पर आसान है, मतदान पत्र के तुलना में | मैं  चिंतित हूँ कि चुनावी यंत्र के प्रयोग द्वारा लोकतंत्र की हत्या की जा रही है | कागज की रसीद के साथ भी ये मशीनों द्वारा वोटिंग सुरक्षित नहीं हैं | मतदान पत्र सबसे सस्ता और अच्छा विकल्प है चुनाव के लिए |

कृपया पर एक वीडियो प्रदर्शन देखें जो दिखलाता है कि इवीएम मशीनों में हेराफेरी/गड़बड़ी करना कागजी मतदान पत्रों से कहीं ज्‍यादा आसान है और इन गड़बड़ियों का पता भी नहीं लगाया जा सकता ।

कृपया ये लेख भी देखें -

आपके पार्टी के वरिष्ट संसद, श्री अडवानी जी ने भी इसपर घोर आपत्ति उठाई थी |

कृपया संसद में तुरंत चुनाव यंत्र रद्द करने और मतदान पत्र लाने के लिए प्रस्ताव पेश करें वरना आपको / आपकी पार्टी को वोट नहीं देंगे |

कृपया 3 दिन के अंदर जवाब दें और समय-सीमा बताएं कि कब आप संसद में चुनावी यंत्र को बैन करने के लिए बिल प्रस्तुत करेंगे, ताकि मैं अपने साथी नागरिकों को सूचना दे सकूँ | जब आप संसद में ऐसा बिल रखेंगे, तो कृपया अपने वेबसाइट या अपनी पार्टी की वेबसाइट पर वो बिल रखें और उसका लिंक भी दें | 

धन्यवाद |


Please present a bill in parliament to immediately ban EVMs and bring back EVMs


I am a citizen of India.

I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option. 

Please see a video demonstration that shows that rigging EVMs in untraceable way is easier that paper ballots at 

So, please immediately present bill in parliament to ban EVM and bring back ballot paper Or else will not vote for you / your party.

Please respond within 3 days and tell the time frame when you will present the bill in parliament, so that I can inform the same to my fellow citizens. When you do present the bill in parliament, also put the same on your website or website of your party and give the link.

Thanking you, 


Please present a bill in parliament to immediately ban EVMs and bring back EVMs


You are MP of gurgaon, my constituency.

I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option. 

Please see a video demonstration that shows that rigging EVMs in untraceable way is easier that paper ballots at 

So, please immediately present bill in parliament to ban EVM and bring back ballot paper Or else will not vote for you / your party.

Please respond within 3 days and tell the time frame when you will present the bill in parliament, so that I can inform the same to my fellow citizens. When you do present the bill in parliament, also put the same on your website or website of your party and give the link.

Thanking you, 


Please present a bill in parliament to immediately ban EVMs and bring back EVMs


I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option. 

Please see a video demonstration that shows that rigging EVMs in untraceable way is easier that paper ballots at 

So, please immediately present bill in parliament to ban EVM and bring back ballot paper Or else will not vote for you / your party.

Lot of AAP party activists are demanding the ban of EVM and bringing in paper ballot.

Please respond within 3 days and tell the time frame when you will present the bill in parliament, so that I can inform the same to my fellow citizens. When you do present the bill in parliament, also put the same on your website or website of your party and give the link.

Thanking you,


Please present a bill in parliament to immediately ban EVMs and bring back EVMs


I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option. 

Please see a video demonstration that shows that rigging EVMs in untraceable way is easier that paper ballots at 

So, please immediately present bill in parliament to ban EVM and bring back ballot paper Or else will not vote for you / your party.

Lot of AAP party activists are demanding the ban of EVM and bringing in paper ballot.

Please respond within 3 days and tell the time frame when you will present the bill in parliament, so that I can inform the same to my fellow citizens. When you do present the bill in parliament, also put the same on your website or website of your party and give the link.

Thanking you, 


Saturday, 21 June 2014

Re: EVM solution

Dear all

I promote ms Meena 's letter . Please do the needful immediately

Vande Mataram

Shiva Thippaiah

> On 19 Jun 2014, at 11:28, Meena Maillart <> wrote:
> I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option.
> AAP must put up 65 to 70 candidates per EVM machine in the coming assembly elections. The EVM can do the counting for only 64 candidates. As soon as there are more than 64 candidates, the machine has to be discarded and paper ballot ordered. This strategy has been successfully used in Telangana in 2010.
> It is not important whether AAP wins or loses. But it is important to hold fair election without EVMs.
> I am attaching a short text of one page to show you how dangerous the EVMs are. Among the important links in this text, there is a book by GVL Narsimha Rao, which all indians must read to understand that the Election Commission of India is involved in the EVM scam.
> If AAP cannot put 70 candidates per machine, they must tell me why. In the absence of any convincing answer my motivation to work for the party will be negatively affected.
> Thanks for paying attention.
> meena maillart-garg
> <EVM...The murder of democracy.docx>

Friday, 20 June 2014

Dr. Sanjeev Chibber ji,

Sending you in attachment doc and pdf  files containing 8 page english pamphlet and 12 page hindi pamphlet containing 3 line TCP draft along with detailed explanation of its benefits.

Kindly put these on the Naya Daur party website and also in the manifesto of Naya Daur Party as soon as possible.

Kindly inform the time-frame when you would be able to do the same.

Same can also be downloaded from this link -

Thanking you,


Thursday, 19 June 2014

EVM solution

I am concerned about the murder of democracy in India through the use of EVMs which are banned in all developed countries. Even with a paper trail, these machines are not safe. Paper ballot is the cheapest and the best option.
AAP must put up 65 to 70 candidates per EVM machine in the coming assembly elections. The EVM can do the counting for only 64 candidates. As soon as there are more than 64 candidates, the machine has to be discarded and paper ballot ordered. This strategy has been successfully used in Telangana in 2010.
It is not important whether AAP wins or loses. But it is important to hold fair election without EVMs.

I am attaching a short text of one page to show you how dangerous the EVMs are. Among the important links in this text, there is a book by GVL Narsimha Rao, which all indians must read to understand that the Election Commission of India is involved in the EVM scam.

If AAP cannot put 70 candidates per machine, they must tell me why. In the absence of any convincing answer my motivation to work for the party will be negatively affected.

Thanks for paying attention.

meena maillart-garg

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Re: permission to open the personal Domain !!

Dear Sir, 

Sending in attachment the receipt of the payment made towards purchasing domain name, from for one year rent and also rent for 2 months for hosting server from

After 26 th of June, you will have to pay per month Rs. 599/- as host server space rent

We would like to promote the site, so that citizens of Sreerampur in particular and all Indians benefit from this. Citizens of Sreerampur can send sms-es to their MP/MLA and also resend their opinions as code-sms for the issues registered on the site along with their voter Id.

That is why would like to request you to start the application on your number, +919804294258 so that the system can be demonstrated to the citizens of Sreerampur.

Thanking you, 


On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Somnath Ghosh <> wrote:
Dear Brother ,
                    I, Dr. Somnath Ghosh of Champdani A.C. Candidate. My Mbile for registered for +919804294258 my email id is
Please do the needful from your end. I give you permission from my end.
Thanking you,
Your faithfully,
Dr. Somnath Ghosh.
DR.SOMNATH GHOSH (Independent Candidate ) 2014

Monday, 2 June 2014

SDTP : TCP Pamphlet Distribution Photo

plz download 
यह फोटो प्रगति मैदान मे टी0सी0पी0 का ड्राफट समझाने के बाद ली हैं