Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 Loksabha-2014 Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Fwd: suggestion to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

please scroll down for english

माननीय उम्मीदवार जी,

मैं ek मतदाता हूँ |

प लोकसभा 2014 के लिए उम्मीदवार हैं, मैं आपसे विनती करना चाहता हूँ कि
आप aap ka क्षेत्र के सभी नागरिक-मतदाताओं के एस.एम.एस. द्वारा राय देने
के सुविधा के लिए एक पब्लिक मोबाइल रखें और उसे प्रोग्राम द्वारा आपकी
वेबसाइट से जोड़कर एक पब्लिक के लिए एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाएँ |

फिर, नागरिक किसी भी मुद्दे के समर्थन या विरोध के लिए अपनी राय एस.एम.एस
के द्वारा, आपकी वेबसाईट पर पंजीकृत एक नंबर वाला संक्षिप्त कोड के रूप
में भेज सकेंगे और ये एस.एम.एस. आपकी वेबसाईट पर, नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी.
के साथ दिखेंगे | सबसे पहले, आपके लोकसभा क्षेत्र का कोई भी नागरिक अपनी
वोटर आई.डी. और मोबाईल आपकी साईट पर पंजीकृत करवाने के लिए अपने मोबाइल
से एक वोटर आई.डी वाला एस.एम.एस. भेज सकता है और अपना वोटर आई.डी. की
कॉपी आपके दफ्तर पर जमा करवा सकता है |  उसके बाद, आपके पब्लिक मोबाइल
पर, पंजीकृत मोबाइल से भेजे गए नंबर वाले संक्षिप्त कोड-एस.एम.एस. आपकी
वेबसाइट पर सभी को नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी. के साथ दिखेंगे |

नागरिक अपनी राय कभी भी बदल सकता है | पंजीकृत मोबाइल द्वारा भेजा गया
अंतिम समर्थन या विरोध के लिए नंबर वाला कोड दिखाई देगा वेबसाईट पर,
जिससे ये प्रक्रिया पैसों से, गुंडों द्वारा या मीडिया द्वारा प्रभावित
नहीं की जा सकती |

(उदाहरण के लिए <a></a> वेबसाईट देखें

विशेषकर ये लिंक - <a></a>)

वोटर आई.डी. के साथ राय आने से कोई भी अन्य नागरिक ये जांच कर सकता है कि
वो राय वाला डाटा सही है कि गलत | दूसरे नागरिक डाटा में से केवल कुछ
वोटर आई.डी. का सैम्पल लेकर, मुख्य चुनाव अधिकारी के वेबसाइट या अन्य
स्थान से वोटर आई.डी. के द्वारा राय देने वाले नागरिकों के पते प्राप्त
कर सकता हैं और स्वयं पता लगा सकता हैं कि उन नागरिकों ने वो राय दी थी
कि नहीं |  इस प्रकार, आपके सही कार्य करने के लिए जनता का समर्थन भी
प्राप्त होगा और गलत कार्य करने पर जनता विरोध कर सकेगी एक पारदर्शी और
प्रामाणिक रूप से |

जिन लोगों के पास मोबाइल नहीं है, वे आपके दफ्तर आकर राय दे सकेंगे |

ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाने के लिए आपको कुछ प्रोग्रामिंग करनी या
करवानी होगी जिसके लिए आपको केवल 5-7 दिन लगेंगे |

इसीलिए, कृपया 2-3 दिन में जरूर आप अपना जवाब दे दें कि आप चुनाव से पहले
ऐसी साईट और ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बना सकते हैं कि नहीं, जिससे हम
निर्णय ले सकें कि हम आपको या आपकी पार्टी को वोट दे सकते हैं कि नहीं |
कम से कम ऐसे पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर, जिसमें मतदाता की राय उनके वोटर
आई.डी. के साथ आपके वेबसाइट पर आ सकती है, उस एस.एम.एस. सर्वर की विस्तृत
जानकारी अपने घोषणा पत्र में दें | हमें आशा है कि आपको दिए गए इस अवसर
का लाभ उठा कर आप जरुर ये कार्य करेंगे |

धन्यवाद |




Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections
so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them
displayed on the website along with their voter ID


Dear 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I am voter of your shimoga loksabha constituency, karnataka.

I would like to suggest you that for citizen-voters of your
constituency to be able to give their opinions via sms you keep a
public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your website and
make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a
activist group already called

two candidates have already done such a website and getting its
benefits in the election campaign. please see their websites...


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after
election, and join and promote your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are
aware and support voluntarily to promote candidates who promote
SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good
work for the citizens since citizens can support your good work with

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can
work as per thier suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately
costs 25,000 rupee 2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance
requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few hours per week to
few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support
or opposing opinions for an issue via registered numerical code-SMS.
And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website along with the
citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes,
can get his/her mobile and voter ID registered at your site by sending
a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting copy of voter ID at
your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the
registered mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your
website along with the voter ID of that citizen.

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last
sent support or oppose numerical short code from a registered mobile
for an issue will appear on the website, thus making the procedure
immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see <a><a></a></a> website,
especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens
can cross-verify that the data containing the opinions is true of
false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from the data, get the
addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or
other sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens`
opinions is true or false. In this way, the public can support any
good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable manner and
oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions
at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days
programming to be done by you or get done by you. Because there is
already an working example .and if possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance
regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get
such a public sms server made on your site before the elections, so
that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you or your party or
not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the
citizens` opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give
detailed info in your manifesto regarding such a sms server to be made
by you on your website. We hope that you will take full benefit of
this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work
given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express
in email to or in righttorecall against
corruption facebook group (
or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the
best candidate for the country.

Thanking you,

suggestion to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

please scroll down for english

माननीय उम्मीदवार जी,

मैं ek मतदाता हूँ |

प लोकसभा 2014 के लिए उम्मीदवार हैं, मैं आपसे विनती करना चाहता हूँ कि
आप aap ka क्षेत्र के सभी नागरिक-मतदाताओं के एस.एम.एस. द्वारा राय देने
के सुविधा के लिए एक पब्लिक मोबाइल रखें और उसे प्रोग्राम द्वारा आपकी
वेबसाइट से जोड़कर एक पब्लिक के लिए एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाएँ |

फिर, नागरिक किसी भी मुद्दे के समर्थन या विरोध के लिए अपनी राय एस.एम.एस
के द्वारा, आपकी वेबसाईट पर पंजीकृत एक नंबर वाला संक्षिप्त कोड के रूप
में भेज सकेंगे और ये एस.एम.एस. आपकी वेबसाईट पर, नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी.
के साथ दिखेंगे | सबसे पहले, आपके लोकसभा क्षेत्र का कोई भी नागरिक अपनी
वोटर आई.डी. और मोबाईल आपकी साईट पर पंजीकृत करवाने के लिए अपने मोबाइल
से एक वोटर आई.डी वाला एस.एम.एस. भेज सकता है और अपना वोटर आई.डी. की
कॉपी आपके दफ्तर पर जमा करवा सकता है | उसके बाद, आपके पब्लिक मोबाइल
पर, पंजीकृत मोबाइल से भेजे गए नंबर वाले संक्षिप्त कोड-एस.एम.एस. आपकी
वेबसाइट पर सभी को नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी. के साथ दिखेंगे |

नागरिक अपनी राय कभी भी बदल सकता है | पंजीकृत मोबाइल द्वारा भेजा गया
अंतिम समर्थन या विरोध के लिए नंबर वाला कोड दिखाई देगा वेबसाईट पर,
जिससे ये प्रक्रिया पैसों से, गुंडों द्वारा या मीडिया द्वारा प्रभावित
नहीं की जा सकती |

(उदाहरण के लिए <a></a> वेबसाईट देखें

विशेषकर ये लिंक - <a></a>)

वोटर आई.डी. के साथ राय आने से कोई भी अन्य नागरिक ये जांच कर सकता है कि
वो राय वाला डाटा सही है कि गलत | दूसरे नागरिक डाटा में से केवल कुछ
वोटर आई.डी. का सैम्पल लेकर, मुख्य चुनाव अधिकारी के वेबसाइट या अन्य
स्थान से वोटर आई.डी. के द्वारा राय देने वाले नागरिकों के पते प्राप्त
कर सकता हैं और स्वयं पता लगा सकता हैं कि उन नागरिकों ने वो राय दी थी
कि नहीं | इस प्रकार, आपके सही कार्य करने के लिए जनता का समर्थन भी
प्राप्त होगा और गलत कार्य करने पर जनता विरोध कर सकेगी एक पारदर्शी और
प्रामाणिक रूप से |

जिन लोगों के पास मोबाइल नहीं है, वे आपके दफ्तर आकर राय दे सकेंगे |

ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाने के लिए आपको कुछ प्रोग्रामिंग करनी या
करवानी होगी जिसके लिए आपको केवल 5-7 दिन लगेंगे |

इसीलिए, कृपया 2-3 दिन में जरूर आप अपना जवाब दे दें कि आप चुनाव से पहले
ऐसी साईट और ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बना सकते हैं कि नहीं, जिससे हम
निर्णय ले सकें कि हम आपको या आपकी पार्टी को वोट दे सकते हैं कि नहीं |
कम से कम ऐसे पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर, जिसमें मतदाता की राय उनके वोटर
आई.डी. के साथ आपके वेबसाइट पर आ सकती है, उस एस.एम.एस. सर्वर की विस्तृत
जानकारी अपने घोषणा पत्र में दें | हमें आशा है कि आपको दिए गए इस अवसर
का लाभ उठा कर आप जरुर ये कार्य करेंगे |

धन्यवाद |




Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections
so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them
displayed on the website along with their voter ID


Dear 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I am voter of your shimoga loksabha constituency, karnataka.

I would like to suggest you that for citizen-voters of your
constituency to be able to give their opinions via sms you keep a
public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your website and
make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a
activist group already called

two candidates have already done such a website and getting its
benefits in the election campaign. please see their websites...


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after
election, and join and promote your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are
aware and support voluntarily to promote candidates who promote
SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good
work for the citizens since citizens can support your good work with

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can
work as per thier suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately
costs 25,000 rupee 2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance
requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few hours per week to
few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support
or opposing opinions for an issue via registered numerical code-SMS.
And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website along with the
citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes,
can get his/her mobile and voter ID registered at your site by sending
a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting copy of voter ID at
your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the
registered mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your
website along with the voter ID of that citizen.

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last
sent support or oppose numerical short code from a registered mobile
for an issue will appear on the website, thus making the procedure
immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see <a><a></a></a> website,
especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens
can cross-verify that the data containing the opinions is true of
false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from the data, get the
addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or
other sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens`
opinions is true or false. In this way, the public can support any
good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable manner and
oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions
at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days
programming to be done by you or get done by you. Because there is
already an working example .and if possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance
regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get
such a public sms server made on your site before the elections, so
that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you or your party or
not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the
citizens` opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give
detailed info in your manifesto regarding such a sms server to be made
by you on your website. We hope that you will take full benefit of
this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work
given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express
in email to or in righttorecall against
corruption facebook group (
or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the
best candidate for the country.

Thanking you,

Re: Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

I support kumara nidhis request. please consider

a bharatheey

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 10:08 PM, kumari nidhi <> wrote:
Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Re: How can we (citizens) promote you in election ?

thanks for the reply. I am sorry, we took lots time to promote you, when you dserve it. apolgies. however please stand for whatever small elec tion that comes on your way, like corporation,mla....

we are with you. but take care., no need to fight if you are unsafe...



On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Somnath Ghosh <> wrote:
Hi ! Shiva, 

               thank you for your support and giving my courage to fight in future. On 30th April 2014. is the voting date in my 27, Sreerampur P.C. so I had opened my website just 2 days back before Election voting date. This time I was alone and fought my own battle all by myself. Many people doesn't know how I filled my nomination file. Anyways Hope after the election I will start my Campaign for 2019 Election If I am alive. I wish all people and citizen of India should know that if I can support and open a personal Website for my Constituency people then why can't other Candidates from all other state do the same for better cause of People and country. Be in touch and always try to help people which ever way you can for good positive cause. Who Ever Fight for a Good Cause is Hero within himself. 

Bye !

With Love and Warm Regards,

Dr.Somnath Ghosh.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Mailshiva123 <> wrote:
To dear dr somanath.



I am a bharatheeya. But not from your constituency . Congratulations on allowing citizens to give you suggestion /orders via SMS in your website

Please let us know, being distant(not in your state), -how can we promote you in the election. Like phone directories where we can ask citizens to vote for you..

Vande Mataram

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

How can we (citizens) promote you in election ?

To dear dr somanath.



I am a bharatheeya. But not from your constituency . Congratulations on allowing citizens to give you suggestion /orders via SMS in your website

Please let us know, being distant(not in your state), -how can we promote you in the election. Like phone directories where we can ask citizens to vote for you..

Vande Mataram

Monday, 28 April 2014

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,

With Best Regards,

Kumari Nidhi
Kaiga Atomic Power Station-3&4,
Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Ltd.
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I am voter of Uttar-Kannada loksabha constituency, karnataka.

I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

Thanking you,

With Best Regards,

Kumari Nidhi
Kaiga Atomic Power Station-3&4,
Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Ltd.
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

Respected 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I am voter of Uttar-Kannada loksabha constituency, karnataka.

I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give
their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your
website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group
already called


1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.

2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote
your campaign

3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support
voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you.

4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign

5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens
since citizens can support your good work with proof.

6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier
suggestion. So you will be popular forever.

7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee
2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few
hours per week to few hours per day.)

if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for
an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website
along with the citizens` voter ID.

Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile
and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting
copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered
mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that

The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose
numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus
making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.

(For example, see website, especially this link - -

If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that
the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from
the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other
sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In
this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable
manner and oppose any bad work done by you.

Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.

To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or
get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if
possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.

That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server
made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you
or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens`
opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto
regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full
benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and
also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group
( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You
can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner.

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the

With Best Regards,

Kumari Nidhi
Kaiga Atomic Power Station-3&4,
Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Ltd.
Get your own FREE website, FREE domain & FREE mobile app with Company email.  
Know More >

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Fwd: चुनाव के पहले, पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाने के लिए लोकसभा उम्मीदवार से विनती ताकि नागरिक एस.एम.एस. द्वारा अपनी राय अपनी वोटर आई.डी के साथ आपकी वेबसाइट पर दे सकें Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID

dear imdad sheriff ji

I learnt you did a affidavit so that we can recall you in two years ,if you don't work. . I am sure , you will work with honesty and integrity , get  our support and carry on for five  to ten years!!.

 congratulations , you took right step.

here is a further step: to define how to recall you - if you don't work well or TO SUPPORT YOU FURTHER- IF YOU WORK WELL.

please scroll down for english 


मैं ek मतदाता हूँ |

क्यूंकि आप लोकसभा 2014 के लिए उम्मीदवार हैं, मैं आपसे विनती करना चाहता हूँ कि आप aap ka क्षेत्र के सभी नागरिक-मतदाताओं के एस.एम.एस. द्वारा राय देने के सुविधा के लिए एक पब्लिक मोबाइल रखें और उसे प्रोग्राम द्वारा आपकी वेबसाइट से जोड़कर एक पब्लिक के लिए एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाएँ | 

फिर, नागरिक किसी भी मुद्दे के समर्थन या विरोध के लिए अपनी राय एस.एम.एस के द्वारा, आपकी वेबसाईट पर पंजीकृत एक नंबर वाला संक्षिप्त कोड के रूप में भेज सकेंगे और ये एस.एम.एस. आपकी वेबसाईट पर, नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी. के साथ दिखेंगे | सबसे पहले, आपके लोकसभा क्षेत्र का कोई भी नागरिक अपनी वोटर आई.डी. और मोबाईल आपकी साईट पर पंजीकृत करवाने के लिए अपने मोबाइल से एक वोटर आई.डी वाला एस.एम.एस. भेज सकता है और अपना वोटर आई.डी. की कॉपी आपके दफ्तर पर जमा करवा सकता है |  उसके बाद, आपके पब्लिक मोबाइल पर, पंजीकृत मोबाइल से भेजे गए नंबर वाले संक्षिप्त कोड-एस.एम.एस. आपकी वेबसाइट पर सभी को नागरिक के वोटर आई.डी. के साथ दिखेंगे |

नागरिक अपनी राय कभी भी बदल सकता है | पंजीकृत मोबाइल द्वारा भेजा गया अंतिम समर्थन या विरोध के लिए नंबर वाला कोड दिखाई देगा वेबसाईट पर, जिससे ये प्रक्रिया पैसों से, गुंडों द्वारा या मीडिया द्वारा प्रभावित नहीं की जा सकती |

(उदाहरण के लिए <a></a> वेबसाईट देखें

विशेषकर ये लिंक - <a></a>)

वोटर आई.डी. के साथ राय आने से कोई भी अन्य नागरिक ये जांच कर सकता है कि वो राय वाला डाटा सही है कि गलत | दूसरे नागरिक डाटा में से केवल कुछ वोटर आई.डी. का सैम्पल लेकर, मुख्य चुनाव अधिकारी के वेबसाइट या अन्य स्थान से वोटर आई.डी. के द्वारा राय देने वाले नागरिकों के पते प्राप्त कर सकता हैं और स्वयं पता लगा सकता हैं कि उन नागरिकों ने वो राय दी थी कि नहीं |  इस प्रकार, आपके सही कार्य करने के लिए जनता का समर्थन भी प्राप्त होगा और गलत कार्य करने पर जनता विरोध कर सकेगी एक पारदर्शी और प्रामाणिक रूप से |


जिन लोगों के पास मोबाइल नहीं है, वे आपके दफ्तर आकर राय दे सकेंगे |

ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बनाने के लिए आपको कुछ प्रोग्रामिंग करनी या करवानी होगी जिसके लिए आपको केवल 5-7 दिन लगेंगे | 


इसीलिए, कृपया 2-3 दिन में जरूर आप अपना जवाब दे दें कि आप चुनाव से पहले ऐसी साईट और ऐसा पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर बना सकते हैं कि नहीं, जिससे हम निर्णय ले सकें कि हम आपको या आपकी पार्टी को वोट दे सकते हैं कि नहीं | कम से कम ऐसे पब्लिक एस.एम.एस. सर्वर, जिसमें मतदाता की राय उनके वोटर आई.डी. के साथ आपके वेबसाइट पर आ सकती है, उस एस.एम.एस. सर्वर की विस्तृत जानकारी अपने घोषणा पत्र में दें | हमें आशा है कि आपको दिए गए इस अवसर का लाभ उठा कर आप जरुर ये कार्य करेंगे |


धन्यवाद |







Request to candidates to make a public sms server BEFORE the elections so that the citizens can send via sms their opinions and get them displayed on the website along with their voter ID



Dear 2014 loksabha Candidates,


I am voter of your shimoga loksabha constituency, karnataka.


I would like to request you that for citizen-voters of your constituency to be able to give their opinions via sms you keep a public mobile and link via a program your mobile and your website and make a public sms server. A website is voluntarily maintained by a activist group already called  



1. Voters feel they are involved in all decision making . so they vote you.


2.Activists realize that election candidates cannot cheat after election, and join and promote your campaign


3.RIGHT TO RECALL GROUP 27000 mermbers in India. most of them are aware and support voluntarily to promote candidates who promote SMSTONETA.COM and may voluntarily work for you. 


4. citizens become activists and promote in your election campaign


5. Bad elements cannot defame you via paid media if you are doing good work for the citizens since citizens can support your good work with proof.


6. you will realise what your voters want, in real time and you can work as per thier suggestion. So you will be popular forever. 


7. collecting citizens opinion is cheap and verifiable.

8. To create and maintain such system for one year 1. it approximately costs 25,000 rupee 2.needs a clerk to maintain. (Maintenance requirement will depend on the traffic. Could be few hours per week to few hours per day.)


if you open such a system, Then, the citizens can give their support or opposing opinions for an issue via registered numerical code-SMS. And these SMS-es will be displayed on your website along with the citizens` voter ID.


Firstly, any citizen from your loksabha constituency if he/she wishes, can get his/her mobile and voter ID registered at your site by sending a SMS containing their voter ID and submitting copy of voter ID at your office. Thereafter, any numerical short code sent by the registered mobile to your public mobile will be displayed on your website along with the voter ID of that citizen.


The citizen will be able to change his/her opinion anytime. The last sent support or oppose numerical short code from a registered mobile for an issue will appear on the website, thus making the procedure immune to money-power, media power and muscle power.


(For example, see <a><a></a></a> website, especially this link - - <a><a></a></a>)


If the citizens`opinions come along with voter ID, then other citizens can cross-verify that the data containing the opinions is true of false. Citizens can randomly choose a sample from the data, get the addresses of the voters from the Chief electoral officer website or other sources and themselves verify whether the data having citizens` opinions is true or false. In this way, the public can support any good work done by you in a transparent and verifiable manner and oppose any bad work done by you.


Those citizen-voters, who do not have mobile, can give their opinions at your office.


To make such a public sms server will require only 3-4 days programming to be done by you or get done by you. Because there is already an working example .and if possible - team can give you a free short telephone guidance regarding this.


That is why, please give your reply in 2-3 days whether you can get such a public sms server made on your site before the elections, so that we citizens can decide whether to vote for you or your party or not. At the least, regarding this public sms server, in which the citizens` opinions can come along with their voter ID, please give detailed info in your manifesto regarding such a sms server to be made by you on your website. We hope that you will take full benefit of this chance given to you to prove yourself and surely do this work given to you.

If you would like to do a website like, kindly express so in email to me and also or in righttorecall against corruption facebook group ( or by phone calling rtr activists near you. You can contact at for any advice.

please act, as election is around the corner. 

i wish you all the best and you to win the election , if you are the best candidate for the country. 


Thanking you,