Sunday, 11 May 2014

Re: You can create history in Varanasi

Dear Rohith
Thanks for reply. 
You say my email is inspiring. But all your comment is unrelated to the content of my email, which is really not acceptable. 

You also have used this opportunity to ask me to spread aa party advertisement , it is not my intention to do that. 

I request you to READ my email and respond to its content .

Vande Mataram 


Please note ;your response is publicly displayed as I have cc to 

I request you to cc email to same id as well.

On 7 May 2014, at 06:45, Delhi Elections <> wrote:

Dear Shiva ji,

Thank you for your matchless support. Your mail is really inspiring. We already have our official website - where all the information is present and but we are glad to have your valuable suggestion and rest assured, we have forwarded it to the concerned team, who would look into it.

We request you to call and convince all your known people to support and vote for AAP
We also request you to volunteer for this battle against corruption. The contact details are:
Varanasi: Helpline: 9889889922, Karan: 8588833540 or Gopal: 9761500777

 If you are not able to join us in Varanasi, you can volunteer from your place by participating in our call campaigning. The call campaigning will be suspended till 7th May due to elections in UP and will resume as per the details below.

From India toll free number: 180030101223, NRIs: 8467013772: From 8th Morning 9 AM till 10th evening 5 PM

You can also register at . This server for call campaigning will be active from 7th Evening 5 PM till 10th evening 5 PM

Please watch Arvind ji's recent press conference regarding attack on Somnath Bharti and Shazia's controversy -

You can go through which will answer most of your queries.
We also request you to go through the link regarding gas pricing scam and our achievement in deferring it using the link
which proves that we are always fighting for the welfare of the common man

You can also go through the link to know about the stand of BJP PM candidate on this issue.

Do assist us by spreading the good work of AAP within your network.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:53 AM, Shiva Thippaiah <> wrote:
Dear arvind kejriwal

thanks for email. I liked your statement - your purpose "to be the voice of the common man".

there is a website called which is voice of the common man. because any bharatheeya can openly, uninhibitedly, authenticatively express his opnion,order, complaints to a public servant like MP and govt officials by sendidng SMS. sms will be displayed automatically and available for anyone to look,support oppose the opinions. 

Two election candidates, opened similar website  1.Rahul Mehta  2 somantath ghosh at

please see attached pictures of the websites.

I suggest you to open a website like this( costs less than 20 000 rupee). so that u become voice of public and people will like you and vote for u to win.

I wish you to win in the election , and be a public servant ,if you are the best candidate to serve the nation.

yours sincerely


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Arvind Kejriwal <> wrote:

You are receiving this email because you have reqistered on our site as member, volunteer, donor, or subscriber. If you do not wish to receive email from us in the future please use the unsubscribe link at the end of this email.

Dear mail2shiva123,

I decided to contest against Narendra Modi in Varanasi because it is critical to India's future that we challenge his false propaganda about the Gujarat development model and his repressive anti-people policies. Unfortunately, the Congress party is hand in glove with the BJP and puts up token resistance only. Someone needs to raise the important questions that ultimately affect the Aam Aadmi. For eg, why is BJP recommending a formula that will result in the highest price of gas for Reliance? Why is BJP not probing Robert Vadra's land deals in Rajasthan when they themselves agree that a major scam occurred there?

Everyone thinks of safe seats and how to get into the Lok Sabha. I could have done the same and contested from Delhi. But our purpose is to change the politics of this country, challenge the status quo, and be the voice of the common man. With India's future and the hopes and aspirations of crores of young Indians at stake, my conscience will not let me remain a bystander. So I have taken up this fight. Based on my experiences on the ground in Varanasi I  am confident that we can win. But we need to strive hard to the to the very end of this campaign.

Remember, this is our fight, because if the gas prices increase after Modi is voted to power, it will hurt countless Aam Aadmis like you and me and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves for letting this happen.

Even if you are miles away, you can help. Pick up the phone and call up the people of Varanasi through our Toll free number 180030101223 and tell them to vote for the Aam Aadmi. Your every call can can take us one step closer to saving this country from the clutches of corruption and crony capitalism.

You did it for the Delhi elections. Together, we can do it again. Let's create history.

Jai Hind!

Arvind Kejriwal.


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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Fwd: You can create history in Varanasi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <>
Date: Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: You can create history in Varanasi
To: Arvind Kejriwal <>

Dear arvind kejriwal

thanks for email. I liked your statement - your purpose "to be the voice of the common man".

there is a website called which is voice of the common man. because any bharatheeya can openly, uninhibitedly, authenticatively express his opnion,order, complaints to a public servant like MP and govt officials by sendidng SMS. sms will be displayed automatically and available for anyone to look,support oppose the opinions. 

Two election candidates, opened similar website  1.Rahul Mehta  2 somantath ghosh at

please see attached pictures of the websites.

I suggest you to open a website like this( costs less than 20 000 rupee). so that u become voice of public and people will like you and vote for u to win.

I wish you to win in the election , and be a public servant ,if you are the best candidate to serve the nation.

yours sincerely


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Arvind Kejriwal <> wrote:

You are receiving this email because you have reqistered on our site as member, volunteer, donor, or subscriber. If you do not wish to receive email from us in the future please use the unsubscribe link at the end of this email.

Dear mail2shiva123,

I decided to contest against Narendra Modi in Varanasi because it is critical to India's future that we challenge his false propaganda about the Gujarat development model and his repressive anti-people policies. Unfortunately, the Congress party is hand in glove with the BJP and puts up token resistance only. Someone needs to raise the important questions that ultimately affect the Aam Aadmi. For eg, why is BJP recommending a formula that will result in the highest price of gas for Reliance? Why is BJP not probing Robert Vadra's land deals in Rajasthan when they themselves agree that a major scam occurred there?

Everyone thinks of safe seats and how to get into the Lok Sabha. I could have done the same and contested from Delhi. But our purpose is to change the politics of this country, challenge the status quo, and be the voice of the common man. With India's future and the hopes and aspirations of crores of young Indians at stake, my conscience will not let me remain a bystander. So I have taken up this fight. Based on my experiences on the ground in Varanasi I  am confident that we can win. But we need to strive hard to the to the very end of this campaign.

Remember, this is our fight, because if the gas prices increase after Modi is voted to power, it will hurt countless Aam Aadmis like you and me and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves for letting this happen.

Even if you are miles away, you can help. Pick up the phone and call up the people of Varanasi through our Toll free number 180030101223 and tell them to vote for the Aam Aadmi. Your every call can can take us one step closer to saving this country from the clutches of corruption and crony capitalism.

You did it for the Delhi elections. Together, we can do it again. Let's create history.

Jai Hind!

Arvind Kejriwal.


AAP website -
AAP Facebook :
AAP Twitter :
AAP NRI Contact:


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