Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Correct point 26 of janlokpal bill. Fasting @ Freedom Park

Dear krishna. 

Thanks for your response.  I wish you all the best.  I hope you CORRECT the mistakes in janlokpal draft. . while you are fasting. Otherwise your sacrifice by doing a hunger strike for an INEFFICIENT WRONG bill is even more disastrous. 

I strongly recommend to sit and discuss limitations of point 26 with your co-fasters, and add correction so that your sacrifice is at least for a strong law.

I also request 
Jantantra morcha to respond.  As the fasting citizens are too weak to respond.

As you know all this conversations are publicly displayed in at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

As e mail is cc sent to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

vande mataram

-------- Original message --------
From: KRISHNA KVS <jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com>
To: mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
Cc: yogaforlaw@yahoo.com,Jantantra Morcha <jantantramorcha@gmail.com>, righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

We are all on fasting at Freedom Park.. and ..follow up with jantantramorcha@gmail.com..

You will get right response..


Jantantra Morcha,

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 12:57 PM, mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com> wrote:
Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

We are all on fasting at Freedom Park.. and ..follow up with jantantramorcha@gmail.com..

You will get right response..


Jantantra Morcha,

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 12:57 PM, mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com> wrote:
Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.