Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Correct point 26 of janlokpal bill. Fasting @ Freedom Park

Dear krishna. 

Thanks for your response.  I wish you all the best.  I hope you CORRECT the mistakes in janlokpal draft. . while you are fasting. Otherwise your sacrifice by doing a hunger strike for an INEFFICIENT WRONG bill is even more disastrous. 

I strongly recommend to sit and discuss limitations of point 26 with your co-fasters, and add correction so that your sacrifice is at least for a strong law.

I also request 
Jantantra morcha to respond.  As the fasting citizens are too weak to respond.

As you know all this conversations are publicly displayed in at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

As e mail is cc sent to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

vande mataram

-------- Original message --------
From: KRISHNA KVS <jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com>
To: mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
Cc: yogaforlaw@yahoo.com,Jantantra Morcha <jantantramorcha@gmail.com>, righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

We are all on fasting at Freedom Park.. and ..follow up with jantantramorcha@gmail.com..

You will get right response..


Jantantra Morcha,

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 12:57 PM, mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com> wrote:
Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

We are all on fasting at Freedom Park.. and ..follow up with jantantramorcha@gmail.com..

You will get right response..


Jantantra Morcha,

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 12:57 PM, mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com> wrote:
Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

Because I didn't get a response-I have forwarded this message to punlic visibility at www.righttorecallmails.blogspot.com

By cc sending mail to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

I hope it will prompt you to respond


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com>,jantantramorcha@gmail.com,jantantramorcha.karnataka@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [IAC-KAR-DISCUSS] Fasting @ Freedom Park

please forward this to mr Krishnan

dear brother

janlokapl bill is here . http://www.annahazare.org/pdf/Jan%20lokpal%20bill%20by%20Expert%20(Eng).pdf I also attached a copy for you with email.

point 26 is copy pasted as well
 26. Complaints against officers or employees of Lokpal: (1) Complaints against employees or officers of
Lokpal shall be dealt with separately and as per provisions of this section.
(2) Such complaint could relate to an allegation of an offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption
Act or a misconduct or a dishonest enquiry or investigation.
(3) As soon as such a complaint is received, the same shall be displayed on the website of Lokpal,
alongwith the contents of the complaint.
(4) Investigations into each such complaint shall be completed within a month of its receipt.
(5) In addition to examining the allegations against the said official, the allegations shall especially be
examined against sections 107, 166, 167, 177, 182, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 217, 218,
219, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474 of Indian Penal Code.
(6) If, during the course of investigations, the Lokpal feels that the charges are likely to be sustained, the
Lokpal shall divest such officer of all his responsibilities and powers and shall place him under
(7) If after completion of enquiry or investigations, Lokpal decides to prosecute that person under
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or holds him guilty of any misconduct or of conducting dishonest
enquiry or investigations, then that person shall not work with Lokpal anymore. Lokpal shall either
dismiss that person from the job, if that person is in the employment of Lokpal, or shall repatriate him, if
he is on deputation.
Provided that no order under this clause shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of being
heard to the accused person. Provided further that order under this clause shall be passed within 15 days of completion of
(8) There shall be a separate wing in Lokpal to deal with complaints against officers or staff of Lokpal.
(9) Lokpal shall take all steps to ensure that all enquiries and investigations on complaints against its
own staff and officials are conducted in most transparent and honest manner. ######################################################################################

it essentially says

Jan loakpal  will punish if janlokapl , if janlokapls investigations found wrong.

which will allow power to accumulate within them.

So we recommend to add two pages to the above janlokapal bill, which will allow ALL VOTER citizens to replace JANLOKPAL, if felt Unsatisfactory. citizens can replace then anytime.

so please,READ, if doubts, discuss, than recommend,promote  JANLOKPAL WITH RTR-Janlokpal.

www.3linelaw.wordpress.com chapter 45 point8

45.8 Three clauses of Transparent Complaint/Feedback Filing aka Citizen's Voice

Following is the addition is propose in Lokpal bill.

Section-NN : Transparent Complain/Feedback Filing


1 Instruction to Collector (or Executive Magistrate he designates)
The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a complaint to Lokpal to the Collector (or his designated Executive Magistrate) and requests to be put on the website of Lokpal, the Collector or his designated Executive Magistrate will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. The affidavit must be made before Executive Magistrate on stamp paper of Rs 20 and signed by two witnesses. The complainer and witnesses must have voter-IDs with them.

2 Instruction to Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk)
The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if a woman voter or a dalit voter or a senior citizen voter or a poor voter or a farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies YES_NO on a complaint submitted on Lokpal's website, the Patwari will enter his YES-NO on the Lokpal's website along with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee.

(2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee

(2.3) The Collector may enact a system to provide SMS feedback

(2.4) The PM may create a system by which citizens can register YES/NO using ATM or SMS.

(2.5) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder

3 [To all Citizens, Lokpal]
This section is for transparent complain filing only for dalit, poor, women or any voters, it is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on Lokpal etc. However, if over "a certain number" of women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY certain number of citizen-voters register YES on a given affidavit, then the Lokpal may or need not take necessary action in two months. Or the Lokpal may resign. The "certain number" will be decided by Lokpal. Lokpal's decision on this will be final. And all citizens are requested to note that this procedure can be also used to send feedback to Lokpal Selection Committee under section-(6)(6)(i) of this bill.

—– end of addition—-

Summary : I summarize the above proposed clauses in Lokpal draft as : please allow a citizen, if he wants, to put his complaint/affidavit on PM's/ janlokpals  website. allow other citizens to express their support or opposition to above complaint/afadavit. That's all. 


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, yoganand anand <yogaforlaw@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Indians,
                               Please find below the attached Photo graphs of Indefinite fasting & Candle light Vigil on-going at Freedom park, Bangalore in solidarity with Anna HazareJi's Demand of Passing a Strong Janlokpal Bill in this winter Session.
At day 1, 10 supporters have been fasting & decided to go indefinite.
What are you waiting for.....
Come Let's join in the war against Corruption & Fight for a Strong Janlokpal.
Jai Hind,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "IAC Karnataka Discussions" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iac-kar-discuss+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Suggesion on Judicial reforms for speedy and just trails of sexual abuse cases and to allow Citizens` SMS order system from on websites of Courts

Justice J.S. Verma,
E-mail - justice.verma@nic.in fax: 011-23092675

Sub: Orders to Chief Judge of India from a common citizen of India

Respected Sir
1. Under the Preamble of Constitution, a citizen of India is sovereign and empowered to send orders to President, Prime Minister and Supreme Court judge of India or any employee of the sovereign on any matter in which the citizen thinks that prompt due action needed to protect the fundamental rights are not being taken. So under Preamble of Constitution, I am doing my duty as a citizen.
and sending you following orders
2. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi to move the case of recent rape-case, which happened in a bus in New Delhi on 19-dec-2012, to the fast court courts.
3. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, to take narco-test of the convicts and post full recording on YouTube after removing names of the victims.
4. Please issue order to Sessions Court judge of Delhi, that that fast track court should have only one case so that that case is disposed speedily
5. Please also post the cell phone number provided by Government to you on the website of Supreme Court of India so that henceforth we the people of India can send necessary orders to you via SMS. The cell phone provided via Government, and whose bill is paid by Government is public property and so under RTI, this phone number should be disclosed to public. Also, please put the SMS orders received from the citizens on website of Supreme Court of India.
6. Proposed Transparent Complaint / Evidence filing in Courts-
(Info: eg: this could be filled by any rape victim, from any district, the complaint / evidences cannot suppressed, and within a day visible to any citizen )
A. Orders for the District Collector
The High Court hereby orders the District Collector that : A woman voter or any citizen-voter can submit a complaint or any affidavit in District Collector Office with an affidavit for a fee of Rs 20 per page and ask the District Collector or his clerk to scan and put the complete affidavit on the website of the High Court.
B Orders to the Talati aka Patwari aka Village officer
B1 The High Court orders every Talati (Patwari / village officer) that : if a woman voter or ANY citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies Yes-No on an PIL posted on the website of High Court, then the Talati or his clerk will enter his Yes-No on the website of High Court with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee. The Clerk will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee. The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder.
B2 The High Court will order Talati to also allow citizen-voter to cancel his YES/NO without any charge, ANYDAY.
B3 The High court may order the collector create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the citizen-voter and putting it on the receipt.
B4 High Court may order the collector to enable citizen-voters to register YES/NO via SMS for 5 paise
C (Information To all Citizens)
This is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on the High court judges etc.
7. Please suggest to the PM to print some Gazette Notifications -
7.1 Jury trial – For quick, fair judgements.
The trial of rape must be decided by Jury of 25 randomly chosen citizens, between 30 years and 55 years, of the district in which crime was committed. The Jury will be formed by an officer titled as District Jury Administrator who will be appointed by High Court Chief judge and can be recalled\replaced by citizen-voters of that district.
(Procedure-draft in chapter 21, www.righttorecall.info/301.pdf

7.2 Narco Test in Public
To prove or disprove whether rape was committed, narco tests on rape accused should be conducted in public after Jury has seen reasonable incriminating evidences.
1. All rape cases will be tried by Jury and Jury only. The Jury will consists of 25 citizens between 30 years and 55 years of age chosen at random from the district, and at least 13 will be women.
2. If the accused himself wants or if 13 out of 25 Jurors deem necessary to have truth serum test on the accused, then the investigating officer will conduct truth serum test on the accused.
3. If complainer wants, then and then only, then the investigating officers will conduct truth serum test on the complainer. The complainer will not be asked to take truth serum test against her will unless 13 out of 25 jurors demand narco test.
Procedure-Draft -https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=401838393168501
7.3 Right to Recall Deputy-Commissioner for crimes against women :
Every district must have a Deputy Police Commissioner (or DySP) in-charge of crimes against women and women in the district should have right to recall that DyCP or DySP . Only an anti-woman activist will oppose this proposal. (Procedure-draft in chapter 22,www.righttorecall.info/301.pdf

7.4 . Right to Recall Lower Court, High Court and Supreme Court judges in-charge of crimes against women :
Every district must have 3 judges in-charge of crimes against women, and women of district should have right to recall them. Same at High Court and Supreme Court levels. (Procedure-draft in chapter 7,www.righttorecall.info/301.pdf

Thanking you,
Yours Truly,
Sumesh Pandey

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Re: as per phone conversation

Dear sowmya 

Did the AAP legal team responded?  

Please respond


Sent from Galaxy S3 on Three

-------- Original message --------
From: mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: mail2shiva123@gmail.com,maamidisowmyaa@gmail.com
Cc: righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com
Subject: Re: as per phone conversation

Dear sowmya

It is been 55 days since I sent forwarded message.  For your opinion and AAP legal teams opinion. 

As I can remind you,  you told you are busy to look into any suggestion. And you required 30 days. 

I know you may still be busy.  But please try to look at the messages and give your personal as well as legal teams opinion on our concepts and demand from arvind. 

Vande mataram


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: maamidisowmyaa <maamidisowmyaa@gmail.com>
Cc: Right to Recall Mails <righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com>
Subject: as per phone conversation

dear  sowmya 

link to mail  we sent to arvind http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Arvind%20Kejriwal

the law we discussed on phone 

you tube videos of the law and explanation for you to grasp the core quickly

please see evidence of me distributing pamplets and request you to do the same. it takes only 1/2 hour per week.

as you promised - i will wait for a month to get your opinion and legal teams opinion in 40 days. 

also note that this email is also publicly dispalyed in http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.com . i request you to ackowledge the reception of email as well. also cc your response and acknolwledgement to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

vande matharam 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Re: as per phone conversation

Dear sowmya

It is been 55 days since I sent forwarded message.  For your opinion and AAP legal teams opinion. 

As I can remind you,  you told you are busy to look into any suggestion. And you required 30 days. 

I know you may still be busy.  But please try to look at the messages and give your personal as well as legal teams opinion on our concepts and demand from arvind. 

Vande mataram


-------- Original message --------
From: Shiva Thippaiah <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
To: maamidisowmyaa <maamidisowmyaa@gmail.com>
Cc: Right to Recall Mails <righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com>
Subject: as per phone conversation

dear  sowmya 

link to mail  we sent to arvind http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Arvind%20Kejriwal

the law we discussed on phone 

you tube videos of the law and explanation for you to grasp the core quickly

please see evidence of me distributing pamplets and request you to do the same. it takes only 1/2 hour per week.

as you promised - i will wait for a month to get your opinion and legal teams opinion in 40 days. 

also note that this email is also publicly dispalyed in http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.com . i request you to ackowledge the reception of email as well. also cc your response and acknolwledgement to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

vande matharam 

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

पारदर्शी शिकायत-प्रस्ताव प्रणाली, `जनसेवक को मेसेज-आदेश` आदि राईट टू रिकाल ग्रुप के प्रस्ताव

श्री मनमोहन जी, 

ओम |

मैं राईट टू रिकाल समूह से आशुतोष भार्गव का मित्र रिकालिस्ट, कश्यप हूँ |

आशुतोष भाई ने मुझे कहा कि आपको हमारे प्रस्ताव मेल द्वारा भेज दूँ | 

अ) आप हमारे प्रस्ताव इन लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं -

१) पारदर्शी शिकायत-प्रस्ताव प्रणाली = टी.सी.पी. - www.righttorecall.info/001hl.pdf

२) राईट टू रिकाल-प्रधानमंत्री, जूरी सिस्टम, सेना और नागरिकों के लिए खनिज आमदनी (एम.आर.सी.एम) आदि -

३) अंग्रेजी में सभी प्रस्ताव - www.righttorecall.info/301.pdf 

आ) हमारे प्रस्ताव आप ऑन -लाइन भी पढ़ सकते हैं - 

१) सभी प्रस्ताव ऑन-लाइन - www.prajaadhinbharat.wordpress.com

२) ऑन-लाइन - पारदर्शी शिकायत प्रस्ताव प्रणाली - http://prajaadhinbharat.wordpress.com/2012/12/24/%E0%A4%85%E0%A4%A7%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%AF-1/

 ५) ऑन-लाइन अंग्रेजी में सारे प्रस्ताव - www.3linelaw.wordpress.com 

यदि कोई प्रश्न हों, तो मैं उत्तर देने के लिए तैयार रहूँगा |

कश्यप | 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Re: Resent Omkar Dabhadkar s letter demanding quick prompt response

Dear vaibhav .
I second omkars opinion.  Please answer asap

Sent from Galaxy S3 on Three

-------- Original message --------
From: Omkar Dabhadkar <d.omkar1@gmail.com>
To: Vyavastha Parivartan <contact@aamaadmiparty.org>
Cc: AAP Karnataka <aap.karnataka@gmail.com>,righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com,mail2shiva123 <mail2shiva123@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Resent Omkar Dabhadkar s letter demanding quick prompt response

Dear Vaibhav,

It has been more than one and half month since my first email - and - one month since my last email. I haven't heard anything from you. Please let me know exactly what is the issue here - so that I can help solving it.
Please understand that these are the issues of all young patriotic activists. Please answer all the questions and do let me know how I can help in this process.

Omkar Dabhadkar

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Omkar Dabhadkar <d.omkar1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Vaibhav,

It has been 13 days since your reply. Any progress on above requests? Is there any reason why AAP apex is taking so much time in deciding about such crucial issues?

Also, about the suggestion with respect to Preferential Voting - Can you please clearly express your opinion - Is it a good idea or a bad one?
I can see that you believe that BJP too is bad. And that's perfectly fine. But does that mean AAP should not think about Preferential Voting at all? Do you deny the possibility of division of votes?
Please understand that, today people vote for BJP - NOT BECAUSE THEY LIKE BJP, but because they want Congress to keep out of power. Same is the case with Congress voters. I ASSURE YOU - all these voters, if given a chance of preferential voting, will either give AAP as first preference or second at the worst. This will benefit India both ways - it'll bring positive changes in election procedure as well as it'll help us win AAP.

Kindly let me know if I can help in convincing AAP seniors about both the suggestions/requests.

Please close this as soon as possible - we are running out of time.

Vande Mataram.

Omkar Dabhadkar

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Vyavastha Parivartan <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:
Dear Omkar,

Thanks for your mail, I shall try to answer you pointwise.

1: We would like to tell you that we have setup an expert committees on every important issues  click here to see the details of the committees, It includes our policy on on "Decentralisation through Swaraj", these people are working hard to come up with initial draft of our policy, once they come up with the draft,we will put it in public domain for more input from awaken people like you. Then we can finalize our stand on any issue. We would be forwarding your very good observation/ideas/inputs to this team & the soul of your idea would be considered actively.

2: We agree that people are fed up with congress however do you really thing BJP is the solution for it, Imagine if Mr. Narendra Modi makes the government then how he is going to fight corruption, he has stalled appointment of Lokayukta in his state since last 9 years & now he has passed a lame-duck lokayukta who will be of no purpose.

We shall forward your idea to our one more team discussing Electoral Reforms to take a note of it.

We thank you again for sending very good observations & inputs, keep writings us & keep supporting.

Team AAP

Connect with us on Social Network:
AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Omkar Dabhadkar <d.omkar1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Sir, without any articulated formalities and greetings and salutations, I will come straight to the point and save your time.

This letter is regarding 2 major concerns - and - my suggestions on those concerns.

1) You have promised us a corruption free governance and implementation of Swaraaj. To achieve this, you have proposed 'Complete decentralization of Power'. You want the people of villages to decide what infrastructure they need. They will convey it to the center through intermediate channels and that's how The Budget will be carved.
We all LOVE this idea.

My concern is about the implementation of this idea. How are we going to achieve this? We already have Sthaanik Swaraajya Sansthaas - but they have a lot of flaws. A few people tend to become dominating, they suppress other voices, establish strong contacts with MPs/MLAs and then they become the dominating forces in those villages/cities/constituencies.
After you win with a thumping majority (which I really wish you do - either BJP or AAP - I do not want Congress again!) and after you create Swaraaj - how to make sure that the voices of those who do not have any such contacts - The AAM AADMIs' voices - reach towards - 1) The Authorities and 2) Other AAM AADMIs?

You see - reaching the voice to authorities is less important than reaching the voice to other AAM AADMIs. If the later happens - the former automatically gets achieved. I can't see any idea/proposal by AAP to achieve this.

I came across a proposed Gazette Notification called "Janataa Ki Awaaz" which achieves this in a flawless way.
It's a simple 3 line proposal - goes like this -

• If any citizen voter wants, then by visiting Collector's office, he/she can put his Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc on PM's website/CM's website/any other official portal for Rs 20 fee after verifying his/her identity. Collector will give the receipt about the same to the voter.
• If any citizen voter supports a particular Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc, then by visiting Talati's (Lekhpal, Patwari etc) office, he can register his support (YES) over the Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc on PM's website/CM's website/any other portal for Rs 3/- fee after verifying the identity. Collector will give the receipt about the same to the voter.
• Any citizen voter can change his YES/NO any day by visiting Talati's office and paying Rs 3 for the same.
{• The YES/NO count is not a binding on PM, CM etc.}

This system can be implemented on 3 levels - District, State and Nation. So problems/suggestions/demands related to a particular district will not clutter with those of State and similarly with those of Nation.

This is a very strong way to bring Participatory Democracy - Swaraaj - in India.

A brief analysis of this proposal is here - 

Please let me know your thoughts about this.

2) You are going to contest 2014 Parliament elections. Unfortunately, the existing election mechanism results in division of votes. As you very well know that today's India wants anything but Congress in Central power. I am very sure that you understand that AAP - unintentionally - is going to divide some % of BJP votes. YES - BJP/NDA is ALSO corrupt. They appear less corrupt because they got less chance to. But TODAY - they are much much better than Congress/UPA. Also, the rise of Narendra Modi ji has brought new ray of hope and so many youngsters are supporting BJP/NDA.

AAP is going to bring a lot of new voters. I can see many young voters enthusiastic about election and voting because of AAP. Also, AAP is, for sure going steal some Congress votes. But - sir - Modi ji is also attracting voters in a very similar fashion. You like it or not - this is a fact. And thus - division of votes is inevitable.

I, as an Indian, is very much worried about this. And so - I request you to request election commission to implement Preferential Voting System. This will give us voters a chance to give preferences of our choices - hence eliminating division of votes.

I am requesting the same to BJP activists too - on various platforms. We need anything but division of votes at this crucial election.

Kindly let me know your thoughts about this too.

Vande Mataram !

A worried Indian,
Omkar Dabhadkar

Re: Resent Omkar Dabhadkar s letter demanding quick prompt response

Dear Vaibhav,

It has been more than one and half month since my first email - and - one month since my last email. I haven't heard anything from you. Please let me know exactly what is the issue here - so that I can help solving it.
Please understand that these are the issues of all young patriotic activists. Please answer all the questions and do let me know how I can help in this process.

Omkar Dabhadkar

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Omkar Dabhadkar <d.omkar1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Vaibhav,

It has been 13 days since your reply. Any progress on above requests? Is there any reason why AAP apex is taking so much time in deciding about such crucial issues?

Also, about the suggestion with respect to Preferential Voting - Can you please clearly express your opinion - Is it a good idea or a bad one?
I can see that you believe that BJP too is bad. And that's perfectly fine. But does that mean AAP should not think about Preferential Voting at all? Do you deny the possibility of division of votes?
Please understand that, today people vote for BJP - NOT BECAUSE THEY LIKE BJP, but because they want Congress to keep out of power. Same is the case with Congress voters. I ASSURE YOU - all these voters, if given a chance of preferential voting, will either give AAP as first preference or second at the worst. This will benefit India both ways - it'll bring positive changes in election procedure as well as it'll help us win AAP.

Kindly let me know if I can help in convincing AAP seniors about both the suggestions/requests.

Please close this as soon as possible - we are running out of time.

Vande Mataram.

Omkar Dabhadkar

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Vyavastha Parivartan <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:
Dear Omkar,

Thanks for your mail, I shall try to answer you pointwise.

1: We would like to tell you that we have setup an expert committees on every important issues  click here to see the details of the committees, It includes our policy on on "Decentralisation through Swaraj", these people are working hard to come up with initial draft of our policy, once they come up with the draft,we will put it in public domain for more input from awaken people like you. Then we can finalize our stand on any issue. We would be forwarding your very good observation/ideas/inputs to this team & the soul of your idea would be considered actively.

2: We agree that people are fed up with congress however do you really thing BJP is the solution for it, Imagine if Mr. Narendra Modi makes the government then how he is going to fight corruption, he has stalled appointment of Lokayukta in his state since last 9 years & now he has passed a lame-duck lokayukta who will be of no purpose.

We shall forward your idea to our one more team discussing Electoral Reforms to take a note of it.

We thank you again for sending very good observations & inputs, keep writings us & keep supporting.

Team AAP

Connect with us on Social Network:
AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Omkar Dabhadkar <d.omkar1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Sir, without any articulated formalities and greetings and salutations, I will come straight to the point and save your time.

This letter is regarding 2 major concerns - and - my suggestions on those concerns.

1) You have promised us a corruption free governance and implementation of Swaraaj. To achieve this, you have proposed 'Complete decentralization of Power'. You want the people of villages to decide what infrastructure they need. They will convey it to the center through intermediate channels and that's how The Budget will be carved.
We all LOVE this idea.

My concern is about the implementation of this idea. How are we going to achieve this? We already have Sthaanik Swaraajya Sansthaas - but they have a lot of flaws. A few people tend to become dominating, they suppress other voices, establish strong contacts with MPs/MLAs and then they become the dominating forces in those villages/cities/constituencies.
After you win with a thumping majority (which I really wish you do - either BJP or AAP - I do not want Congress again!) and after you create Swaraaj - how to make sure that the voices of those who do not have any such contacts - The AAM AADMIs' voices - reach towards - 1) The Authorities and 2) Other AAM AADMIs?

You see - reaching the voice to authorities is less important than reaching the voice to other AAM AADMIs. If the later happens - the former automatically gets achieved. I can't see any idea/proposal by AAP to achieve this.

I came across a proposed Gazette Notification called "Janataa Ki Awaaz" which achieves this in a flawless way.
It's a simple 3 line proposal - goes like this -

• If any citizen voter wants, then by visiting Collector's office, he/she can put his Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc on PM's website/CM's website/any other official portal for Rs 20 fee after verifying his/her identity. Collector will give the receipt about the same to the voter.
• If any citizen voter supports a particular Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc, then by visiting Talati's (Lekhpal, Patwari etc) office, he can register his support (YES) over the Complaint/Suggestion/Demand etc on PM's website/CM's website/any other portal for Rs 3/- fee after verifying the identity. Collector will give the receipt about the same to the voter.
• Any citizen voter can change his YES/NO any day by visiting Talati's office and paying Rs 3 for the same.
{• The YES/NO count is not a binding on PM, CM etc.}

This system can be implemented on 3 levels - District, State and Nation. So problems/suggestions/demands related to a particular district will not clutter with those of State and similarly with those of Nation.

This is a very strong way to bring Participatory Democracy - Swaraaj - in India.

A brief analysis of this proposal is here - 

Please let me know your thoughts about this.

2) You are going to contest 2014 Parliament elections. Unfortunately, the existing election mechanism results in division of votes. As you very well know that today's India wants anything but Congress in Central power. I am very sure that you understand that AAP - unintentionally - is going to divide some % of BJP votes. YES - BJP/NDA is ALSO corrupt. They appear less corrupt because they got less chance to. But TODAY - they are much much better than Congress/UPA. Also, the rise of Narendra Modi ji has brought new ray of hope and so many youngsters are supporting BJP/NDA.

AAP is going to bring a lot of new voters. I can see many young voters enthusiastic about election and voting because of AAP. Also, AAP is, for sure going steal some Congress votes. But - sir - Modi ji is also attracting voters in a very similar fashion. You like it or not - this is a fact. And thus - division of votes is inevitable.

I, as an Indian, is very much worried about this. And so - I request you to request election commission to implement Preferential Voting System. This will give us voters a chance to give preferences of our choices - hence eliminating division of votes.

I am requesting the same to BJP activists too - on various platforms. We need anything but division of votes at this crucial election.

Kindly let me know your thoughts about this too.

Vande Mataram !

A worried Indian,
Omkar Dabhadkar

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Re: I wish to know decision making process followed by AAP.

I completely agree with Vineet Arora. 

I have similar experience in last 2 years of trying to contact iac aap  anna and team's response to democratic demands. 
-shiva thippaiah

-------- Original message --------
From: Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com>
To: Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org>
Cc: Mohit Prem Pundir <mohitprempundir@gmail.com>,Anil Kori <anilkoriiitd@gmail.com>,Bipul Dey <bipul.dey@gmail.com>,righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com,atuldubey89@gmail.com
Subject: Re: I wish to know decision making process followed by AAP.

Dear Decision Makers at AAP,

I would like to share my strong discontent with AAP. For past 6 months or more I am constantly following AAP on web pages, blogs, AAP people, their central contactable number etc. I have forwarded a number of suggestion for AAP to adopt democratic principles, measures most of those are shared in trailing emails. My belief in AAP got terribly shaken when I didn't founding any reply to any of the suggestions till yet other than `these are forwarded to the team`. I see all the decision making power is vested in a very very few selected hands where volunteers the main ground level workers have the only job to spread good word about AAP and nothing else non of their suggestions are taken seriously.
Except the name it doesn't seems anything else relates to Aam Aadmi or a common man in your authoritarian centralized set up.

Please let me know if my anguish, discontent isn't correct.

As I have already lost faith in decision makers of AAP, I wont be pushing them any further to take up democratic procedures.

In case you people feel otherwise and have any update on any of my suggestions feel free to call back, email, contact in any possible way. I assure you I would be most willing to hear from you but wont approach your party for updates.

Hoping one day you people realize the value of democratic principles.
Vineet Arora.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear/Sir Madam

A gentle reminder.
Kindly update.

Warm Regards

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear/Sir Madam

A gentle reminder.
Kindly update.

Warm Regards
Vineet Arora.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Sir / Madam

I hope everything is going good with you people. 
I called Bipul Ji to discuss on this but came to know of a tragedy in her family that some of his relatives got a heart stroke recently and had to be hospitalized.

I feel really bad and am very sorry to disturb Bipul Ji in such an hour of grief.
I hope the concerned person gets well very soon.

1) Just checking if the task of 'Gathering all the documented suggestions that have come up to AAP from general public ' can taken over by someone else or even I can come to office with some of my collegues to gather the information. Just don't wish to bother Bipul Ji for anything now. In case it can only be done by Bipul Ji I would request him to  do it whenever appropriate taking his family commitments on priority.

Just request you to update me in any of the cases.

2) There are other suggestions that I have sent to AAP which are there in preceeding emails. Thanks for forwarding those to the concerned people I would like to know the status of the same, 
a) Have those been discarded outrightly 
b) Fully accepted
c) Partially accepted, in that case what all is accepted
d) Still pending discussion, in that case when could I expect any update.
e) Any other relevant information that could be shared.

3) Apart from the above I would like to know if there is anything that I could do to help Bipul Ji during such an hour of difficulty. Kindly do let me know I would be more than willing to help one of our brother in need, based on my capacity and abality.

Warm Regards
Vineet Arora.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks you I will get in touch with him.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:

Hi Vineet Ji,

Please call Mr. Bipul on 09350103687 between 10 to 6 PM to discuss the issue.

Warm Regards
Team AAP

On May 31, 2013 11:09 AM, "Vineet Arora" <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to thank you for your timely response. Kindly forward me Bipul Jis contact number so that we could coordinate and find timings that would suite booth of us.

Warm Regards

On Wednesday, May 29, 2013, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:
> Dear Vineet,
> Please come to office & discuss all this to Mr. Bipul Dey.
> Warm Regards
> Vaibhav
> Team AAP
> Connect with us on Social Network:
> AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
> AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
> AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
> Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week)
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Sir/Madam
>> Thanks for forwarding my suggestions/emails to concerned people/department.
>> I would like to have/know all the documented suggestions that have come up
>> to AAP from general public. If they are via post/email/inland or any other
>> means.
>> If emails please forward, If inland letters etc I can come to your office
>> and collect the print-out/ photostat paying appropriate cost. Any other
>> suggestion from your side where you could provide me that info are most
>> welcome.
>> I would like to collate all these documents/proofs for future reference as a
>> process of building/strengthening a democracy, probably would get these
>> published in form of a book.
>> I hope you would find this quite valid in implementing complete
>> transparency. Would request you to upload all these on your website for
>> general public awareness.
>> Thanks in anticipation of favorable response.
>> Vineet Arora.
>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Arora,
>>> Thanks for writing in, we will forward your mail to our team which is
>>> still working to finalize our draft for mentioned issues, they will
>>> consider these suggestions actively.
>>> Warm Regards
>>> Vaibhav
>>> Team AAP
>>> Connect with us on Social Network:
>>> AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
>>> AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
>>> AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
>>> Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week)
>>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 1:50 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Dear Sir/Madam
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for forwarding my suggestions to concerned people.
>>> > During one of the conversation with one of the AAP volunteer there came
>>> > a
>>> > discussion point that since cost of election is quite high so JanLokpal
>>> > being selected by people might not be appropriate as that would put
>>> > additional burden on people, but since Arvind Ji himself have said a
>>> > number
>>> > of times that power or satta would be given directly to people so I
>>> > assume
>>> > applying the same analogy to Janlokpal selection that it would be
>>> > possible
>>> > for people to directly elect their representative even Janlokpal.
>>> > One of the ways of realising above goal I was found, very directly
>>> > available
>>> > on internet:
>>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparent_Complaint_Procedure
>>> >
>>> > I am pretty sure there are much more efficient ways of realising above
>>> > goal
>>> > some of them would be even economical than this one.
>>> >
>>> > Benefitts I found is the cost of election/suggestion is directly taken
>>> > by
>>> > individual and not by government(which is later on put on people in form
>>> > of
>>> > excessive taxes) and so transparency in cost. The cost is very very
>>> > negligible and beniffits are abdundant and could lead in peoples' direct
>>> > participation in law making.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2) One other reform in Judiary I found that is already implemented in
>>> > many
>>> > advanced countries inluding US and UK is use of Jury system instead of
>>> > Judge
>>> > system for trial cases. How Jury system works, how to create Jury etc
>>> > are
>>> > given in lenghts on internet for sample following links could be used:
>>> > a) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Fwd: Re: I wish to know decision making process followed by AAP.

Dear sowmya 
Please go  via forwarded mail. It shows discontent with aap decision makers's responses after trying for 6 months. 

I have similar experience in last 2 years of trying to contact iac aap  anna and team's response to democratic demands. 

Please Dont assume our demands are silly or containing any deviating hidden agenda. 
Our demands are 

same ( even if asked by many different activists like siva, me, Vineet Arora , kmoksha and hundred of other activists as you can find in http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.com) ,

well documented, 
specific , 
transfer power to citizens  and 
simple to underadtand.

That's why my intention is for you as a individual indias well wisher,  to go via our simple 3 line law and to understand, ask openly if any doubts and to give your very respected 1/2 hour per week for distributing pamplets., while you continue your other work like AAP Activity.  

As usual the mail is    

publicly dispalyed in http://righttorecallmails.blogspot.com . l request you to  cc your response to righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com

to display your response publicly. 


-------- Original message --------
From: Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com>
To: Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org>
Cc: Mohit Prem Pundir <mohitprempundir@gmail.com>,Anil Kori <anilkoriiitd@gmail.com>,Bipul Dey <bipul.dey@gmail.com>,righttorecall.rtr@gmail.com,atuldubey89@gmail.com
Subject: Re: I wish to know decision making process followed by AAP.

Dear Decision Makers at AAP,

I would like to share my strong discontent with AAP. For past 6 months or more I am constantly following AAP on web pages, blogs, AAP people, their central contactable number etc. I have forwarded a number of suggestion for AAP to adopt democratic principles, measures most of those are shared in trailing emails. My belief in AAP got terribly shaken when I didn't founding any reply to any of the suggestions till yet other than `these are forwarded to the team`. I see all the decision making power is vested in a very very few selected hands where volunteers the main ground level workers have the only job to spread good word about AAP and nothing else non of their suggestions are taken seriously.
Except the name it doesn't seems anything else relates to Aam Aadmi or a common man in your authoritarian centralized set up.

Please let me know if my anguish, discontent isn't correct.

As I have already lost faith in decision makers of AAP, I wont be pushing them any further to take up democratic procedures.

In case you people feel otherwise and have any update on any of my suggestions feel free to call back, email, contact in any possible way. I assure you I would be most  welcome.  to hear from you but wont approach your party for updates.

Hoping one day you people realize the value of democratic principles.
Vineet Arora.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear/Sir Madam

A gentle reminder.
Kindly update.

Warm Regards

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear/Sir Madam

A gentle reminder.
Kindly update.

Warm Regards
Vineet Arora.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Sir / Madam

I hope everything is going good with you people. 
I called Bipul Ji to discuss on this but came to know of a tragedy in her family that some of his relatives got a heart stroke recently and had to be hospitalized.

I feel really bad and am very sorry to disturb Bipul Ji in such an hour of grief.
I hope the concerned person gets well very soon.

1) Just checking if the task of 'Gathering all the documented suggestions that have come up to AAP from general public ' can taken over by someone else or even I can come to office with some of my collegues to gather the information. Just don't wish to bother Bipul Ji for anything now. In case it can only be done by Bipul Ji I would request him to  do it whenever appropriate taking his family commitments on priority.

Just request you to update me in any of the cases.

2) There are other suggestions that I have sent to AAP which are there in preceeding emails. Thanks for forwarding those to the concerned people I would like to know the status of the same, 
a) Have those been discarded outrightly 
b) Fully accepted
c) Partially accepted, in that case what all is accepted
d) Still pending discussion, in that case when could I expect any update.
e) Any other relevant information that could be shared.

3) Apart from the above I would like to know if there is anything that I could do to help Bipul Ji during such an hour of difficulty. Kindly do let me know I would be more than willing to help one of our brother in need, based on my capacity and abality.

Warm Regards
Vineet Arora.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks you I will get in touch with him.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:

Hi Vineet Ji,

Please call Mr. Bipul on 09350103687 between 10 to 6 PM to discuss the issue.

Warm Regards
Team AAP

On May 31, 2013 11:09 AM, "Vineet Arora" <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to thank you for your timely response. Kindly forward me Bipul Jis contact number so that we could coordinate and find timings that would suite booth of us.

Warm Regards

On Wednesday, May 29, 2013, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org> wrote:
> Dear Vineet,
> Please come to office & discuss all this to Mr. Bipul Dey.
> Warm Regards
> Vaibhav
> Team AAP
> Connect with us on Social Network:
> AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
> AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
> AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
> Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week)
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Sir/Madam
>> Thanks for forwarding my suggestions/emails to concerned people/department.
>> I would like to have/know all the documented suggestions that have come up
>> to AAP from general public. If they are via post/email/inland or any other
>> means.
>> If emails please forward, If inland letters etc I can come to your office
>> and collect the print-out/ photostat paying appropriate cost. Any other
>> suggestion from your side where you could provide me that info are most
>> welcome.
>> I would like to collate all these documents/proofs for future reference as a
>> process of building/strengthening a democracy, probably would get these
>> published in form of a book.
>> I hope you would find this quite valid in implementing complete
>> transparency. Would request you to upload all these on your website for
>> general public awareness.
>> Thanks in anticipation of favorable response.
>> Vineet Arora.
>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Contact AAP <contact@aamaadmiparty.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Arora,
>>> Thanks for writing in, we will forward your mail to our team which is
>>> still working to finalize our draft for mentioned issues, they will
>>> consider these suggestions actively.
>>> Warm Regards
>>> Vaibhav
>>> Team AAP
>>> Connect with us on Social Network:
>>> AAP National Page :- www.facebook.com/AamAadmiParty
>>> AAP website - http://aamaadmiparty.org/
>>> AAP twitter - https://twitter.com/@aamaadmiparty
>>> Party Help Line number: 09718500606 (9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 7 days a week)
>>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 1:50 AM, Vineet Arora <vineet.aro.bgl@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Dear Sir/Madam
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for forwarding my suggestions to concerned people.
>>> > During one of the conversation with one of the AAP volunteer there came
>>> > a
>>> > discussion point that since cost of election is quite high so JanLokpal
>>> > being selected by people might not be appropriate as that would put
>>> > additional burden on people, but since Arvind Ji himself have said a
>>> > number
>>> > of times that power or satta would be given directly to people so I
>>> > assume
>>> > applying the same analogy to Janlokpal selection that it would be
>>> > possible
>>> > for people to directly elect their representative even Janlokpal.
>>> > One of the ways of realising above goal I was found, very directly
>>> > available
>>> > on internet:
>>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparent_Complaint_Procedure
>>> >
>>> > I am pretty sure there are much more efficient ways of realising above
>>> > goal
>>> > some of them would be even economical than this one.
>>> >
>>> > Benefitts I found is the cost of election/suggestion is directly taken
>>> > by
>>> > individual and not by government(which is later on put on people in form
>>> > of
>>> > excessive taxes) and so transparency in cost. The cost is very very
>>> > negligible and beniffits are abdundant and could lead in peoples' direct
>>> > participation in law making.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2) One other reform in Judiary I found that is already implemented in
>>> > many
>>> > advanced countries inluding US and UK is use of Jury system instead of
>>> > Judge
>>> > system for trial cases. How Jury system works, how to create Jury etc
>>> > are
>>> > given in lenghts on internet for sample following links could be used:
>>> > a) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/