Friday 4 January 2013

Re: Some suggestions to make country safer

Email addresses of all police officers and Government on government website with officers checking email atleast 2 times a week so local people can suggest there ideas by email. Young professionals have very good ideas but no time to meet commissioner to suggest ideas

Hang till death not for just Delhi rape case. All rape cases needs hang till death which has sure shot evidence. In Delhi rape case because all news channel have rais
ed the issue its in focus. We need same to be applied to all rape cases in India.

Need CCTV cameras on all highways with live recordings in call centers. Recordings can only be copied not deleted by anyone.

Need more sting operations in police stations, calling lines for delhi police etc

need all public transports with cctv camera. Trains and buses dont even have cctv cameras today. Lot of people thrown out of trains everyday with no trace who did it.

Schools, colleges public transport all need to be registered with police. No one gets a job without proper documents submitted. if any owner gives job without seeing proper documents cancel there licence.

next 10 cases in which police beating the victims need to be shown live on news channel. all future manchale should see it live how bad police beats them

No police can say no to file a FIR even if it is against president. Need CCTV cameras in police stations. Need CCTV in caps of each police so if someone tries to beat police(mumbai and punjab case recently) it gets recorded, as well as if police do anything against law it is recorded.

Need a common number all over India( USA: 911, UK: 999) not 10 digit number which people cannot remember. Put more police force on bikes with headphones who can take the calls from call center with directions to reach there where the victim has called from.If Eve Teasing is done now and police is called it takes 30 mins for police to reach. Do the accused is going to wait for police to come?

Need common government database with criminal records. All government and other people who want to do research on any profile can do it by easy access on government website so they dont hire a non social elements with criminal records.

Anyone touching the cameras installed will get recorded and will face police action immediately.

Any person who knows that particular department takes bribe in your city go again with the friend and tell him to record with hidden camera, send it to news channel as well as upload it on Youtube immediately and share on facebook

Any committee formed by government to research any case need a online update of progress on Government website.

If a petition against any law is signed by 50000 people with there passport copies it should be placed in Parliament immediately with its result live. If people want to place a new law signatures of 5 lakh Indians with there passport copies submitted to parliament immediately can make new law in affect

People for there safety install cameras in home, take hidden cameras with them everywhere to record if anyone misusing the power

Need more activist for each case to keep pressure on police till it is resolved. Right now only pressure on Government is news channel and once news goes away from news channel we need more activist to follow the case

Any political leaders relatives find in any wrong doing with sure shot evidence hang them to form a example for all future parties.

I dont understand why we need police in police station to take fir?. Cant we have a computer and a computer operator to take notes of complaint?. Each complaint will automatically get a number and computer operator job is to take an fir. FIR will be assigned to specific police officers and than they can question the victim and take steps. Right now police officer writes only details which he wants to write. All FIR are subjective depending on will of police officers. 

If court do not want to hang why not to use them as full time laborers outside big cities for scavenging, planting trees, recycling or making lakes and rivers?. Why not to put them on borders so they can kill enemies or else kill themselves. They can be a protective layer for our soldiers so bullet hit them first before our soldier can fight back. Why not to donate there eyes, kidneys etc to one who need them?

No Government jobs to anyone accused of criminal charges

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